Support for Ukraine at FAU

About a month ago, on 24 February 2022 to be precise, our world view of a peaceful post-war Europe was abruptly shattered when Russian forces invaded Ukraine on Putin’s orders. Many people of our generation have never been so directly confronted with such a situation: War in Europe.

If you feel overwhelmed by this or want to help those affected, you are not alone, that’s how we and many other people are feeling right now.
You can find out where you can get involved at FAU or get support on this overview page.
If this topic is weighing heavily on your mind, you can also tell us about your worries via our Corona suggestion box (anonymously if you wish), or contact us via this form. We will then try to help you with your problems as best we can (you have to enter your email address in the form of course, if you want a reply).
If you would like professional psychological counselling, you can also contact the FAU Psychosocial Counselling Centre or the psychological counselling service of the Studentenwerk.

You can also find various support projects of other bavarian universities and colleges on the overview page aid for Ukraine of the LAK.

There have also already been some campaigns organised by FAU students or student councils. One of these was an in-kind donnation campaign at WiSo, which was very successful. Following its example, there was later another collection point at the Technical Faculty, through which it was possible to also donate supplies in Erlangen. In addition, a demonstration against the war in Ukraine was organised by FAU students. Together with the university administration, the Stuve organised a commemorative event for peace in Schlossgarten, and FAU students and staff supported various projects in many other places.

More events are sure to follow, but since these have not yet been determined or are still being planned, we can’t advertise them yet, so please follow us on Instagram if you don’t want to miss future events.

Student representative wanted: CIO/IO committee

If you don’t know exactly what the CIO/IO Board is and you clicked on this link out of curiosity, we’ll explain briefly what it’s all about. Congratulations to all those who already knew what this is all about, you can also reread it and apply straight away.

The CIO/IO committee is the body responsible for the university-wide strategic coordination of information and communication technology at the university. If you want to help develop information and communication technology and bring a student perspective to the process, this might be the right position for you.

If you want more detailed information, take a look at their website. If you are interested, please contact the speaker’s council or come to the next convention meeting on 21.04.2022, at 2pm, to introduce yourself and, if applicable, to be elected. We are looking forward to all applicants.

Invitation conference Stuttgart

Every two years, the conference “Clinical Innovation in Addiction Therapy” takes place in Stuttgart. The conference always deals with a specific focus topic. This year’s topic is consumption and addiction in children, adolescents and young adults. This year we have succeeded in attracting experts from four countries. The event will take place on March 29, 2022 in Presence at the Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart. In addition, there is the possibility to participate online, excellent catering is provided. CME points are requested.  More info at

Dr. Maurice Cabanis
Medical Director
Clinic for Addiction Medicine Stuttgart 

Project ARTogether- Want to join?

Dear students,
do you also wish that people from different cultures could approach each other openly, exchange ideas, learn something from each other, do something together and get to know each other?

With ARTogether we create the possibility for this. Gabriele Wehr and I, Jelena Hoghe, are employees in the ARTogether project of the Rummelsberger Diakonie.

With our inclusive project, we want to bring people into contact with each other through creative work. Our offer is aimed at interested adults with and without a refugee background and is currently organized in tandems.

You are welcome to contact us if you are interested in participating in the project. 

bicycle-challenge »Aufsatteln fürs Klima«

Are you tired of standing in traffic jams or sitting for long periods of time? Then get on your bike and do something good for yourself and the climate! But cycling alone is too boring for you and you lack the motivation?  That’s over now – the VCD project »DIY: Verkehrswende selber machen« shows you how.  

Take part in the nationwide bicycle-kilometer-collection-challenge »Aufsatteln fürs Klima« and win great prizes for your university or vocational school as a team.

What do you need? Download the Naviki app and join the competition! The competition runs from the beginning of April until the end of June. 

You can find more info here.