News from the Stuve

In recent days, the Schloss has been able to experience the Stuve in large numbers. The Sprat met there twice with President Prof. Hornegger to talk about topics such as studying at FAU, the creation of the new FAU logo, the branding of the university, and student engagement. Soon we will meet in the Schlossgarten with some people from the university management for the newly introduced “Walk and Talks”, and would like to invite you to join our promenading on 11.07. at 18:00. These talks are open to all students. The Walk and Talk on 11.07. unfortunately had to be postponed due to illness.

But the Stuve was also represented again at the Schlossgartenfest. There, the new laser show was used for the first time which we were able to watch. We were able to network with many people from the university about university life and the work in the Stuve and also enjoy the evening with many of you.

But now it’s back to our in-house festivals; check out our summer festival calendar to see where you can meet up with your friends to network and have fun. The many FSVs, FSIs and university groups have already been planning great events for you for weeks, don’t miss them!

In addition, many campaigns are already underway for the current university elections. At the many information booths and events you can find out which lists are running for what and what they stand for. There are also numerous online news points which have been set up by the Stuve in the last few weeks. Please have a look at the article about the university elections! We are looking forward to a high voter turnout so that we can continue to shape the Stuve in a diverse way next year, so get started at!

OneNote users wanted for conversion tests

For a well running conversion of FAU Office 365 to the new license model we are still looking for some students who already use OneNote with the FAU campus license and the cloud features intensively. In order to test how best to migrate the data to the new license and to create a good guide, we are looking for you. If you would like to help, please contact us at

Attention: withdrawal deadlines for examinations changed

As of this summer semester the usual regulations regarding withdrawal from exams apply again, i.e. the 3-day-rule in most places. For more detailed information on what applies to you, it is best to check with your respective examination regulations.

The rule from the Corona Statutes for withdrawals via non-attendance that applies to exams from the semesters of SoSe20 – WiSe21/22 is thus not extended to this semester.

Re-registration for WS 22/23

In the period from July 1st-8th 2022, re-registration for the next semester is due again. In order to remain enrolled at FAU in the winter semester 22/23, you must transfer the semester fee of 117,50€ to the Staatsoberkasse Landshut within this period (Student Services fee 52€, for the basic ticket 65,50€). You can find the exact dates on campo under ‘Student Service’ -> ‘Documents’.

PS: If you have any feedback about the new campo, please feel free to submit it in our survey form.

University Elections 2022

It’s that time again! The university elections are happening until 04.07. at 9 a.m.. In article we want to give you all the info you need about the election so you can make the most of your vote.

Why should you even vote? Of course, a large turnout makes sense in order to best represent the diverse opinions of the student body in the committees. However, there is another important reason; the higher the voter turnout, the more it shows the university that students really want to be heard and that the student representation (Stuve) should be taken seriously. Each and every one of you can thus play a part in strengthening the voice of the student body!

But what exactly are you voting for? The Student Council is a university-wide body in which 30 students develop positions in order to be able to communicate the opinions and demands of the student body to the outside world. Here you have 15 votes to elect people who can best represent your opinion in this body. In another election, you have 4 votes to elect students to the Faculty Council, where they can campaign for student-friendly examination regulations, for example. With these 4 votes you also indirectly determine the composition of the Faculty Student Counsil, which represents you at the faculty level by helping students with their requests, managing funds and organizing the occasional event. You can find out more about the committees in this year’s election video:

How exactly can you elect these representatives? You can do that from Monday 27.06. at 09:00 until Monday 04.07. at 09:00 online via Besides the better accessibility the election tool of the university also offers the advantage of giving you warnings in case you cast too many votes and thus might have invalidated your vote. You can then easily correct this and send your vote with a simple click.

And who should you vote for? That’s a question we can’t answer for you. However, we have provided a few tools to make it easier for you to research the election lists. First, you’ll find plenty of insight and information about the lists that would like to be elected to the Student Counsil on our website and Instagram during the election period. In addition, you can use the University Election Compass again to compare your opinions on various issues with those of the Student Counsil lists and learn their motivations for doing so. Last but not least, we would like to introduce the lists to you in more detail in the next section.

We hope we have been able to answer your most urgent questions about the elections, but we are always open to further questions at Have fun voting and a pleasant election week!