News from Stuve

As announced in the last Stuve newsletter, we had a Jour Fixe with the Vice President for People Prof. Andreas Hirsch on October 24. Among other things, we had a lively exchange on the topic of menstrual articles in unit toilets. We are happy to announce that the topic has finally gained momentum at the university and that a pilot phase will be planned soon.

We are also excited to announce that the Stuve has been awarded the FAU Medal of Merit for its excellent, critical and constructive cooperation over the past years. Since this honor is personal and cannot be awarded to institutions, Lara Savannah Ebbinghaus and Michael Ruppert accepted it on behalf of the Stuve as senators and members of the Covid crisis team of the last term. Previously, this high honor had been awarded exclusively to professors.

The big event of the last weeks was the Dies academicus, the 279th birthday of our FAU. There, as every year, the Stuve gave a speech, this time represented by Büşra Başol and Lara Ebbinghaus. In the speech we appreciated the good cooperation with different groups at FAU, but also made a lot of important criticisms and pointed out grievances.

Since the climate crisis and also the current energy crisis illustrate how urgently a mobility turnaround is needed, we have spoken out in favor of a 29 € per month ticket (as a student version of the 49 € ticket) and are also co-signers of a letter that went to our state government. In addition, we submitted an initiative proposal at the last meeting of the State Asten Conference (our Bavarian state student representation), which was passed unanimously.

Recently, there has been a vacancy in the Speaker’s Council and we are looking for you! That is, if you are interested in helping to shape the student representation and the university. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us without obligation at You can apply for this position via this email address as well as at the next Student Council meeting.