Future Talk “Bike, Bahn, Beamen: How do we shape future mobility?”

On April 18th, the next Future Talk will take place on the topic “Bike, Bahn, Beamen: How do we shape future mobility?” will be held at the Nuremberg Museum of the Future.
Our world is on the move – and at the same time it is stuck in traffic. Mobility enables participation in social life, but also creates traffic stress and pollutes the environment. That’s why startups are developing new forms of mobility: emission-free, young, innovative. Colorful mobility fantasies are emerging and everything seems conceivable. With Spiegel bestselling author Kajta Diehl, mobility researcher Dr. Weert Canzler and Manuel Robledo, CEO of insertEFFECT, we put today’s mobility to the test and discuss future solutions.

Katja Diehl, author, podcaster and transport turnaround activist.
Dr. habil. Weert Canzler, mobility researcher at the Social Science Research Center Berlin
Manuel Robledo, founder & CTO of insertEFFECT GmbH

Date: 04/18/2023, 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
Live on site: German Museum Nuremberg
Admission: Free admission, tickets for free reservation in the ticket store of the German Museum Nuremberg.
Live via ZOOM: In addition, the event will be streamed. Under the following link you will get access: