It was 50 years ago. On 21 December 1973, the dissolution of the “Verfasste Studierendenschaft” (constituted student body, VS) was decided in Bavaria. The aim at the time was to “drain the left-wing swamp at the universities”. What was achieved was a cut in the rights and possibilities of student representation.
But let’s go back to the beginning: what is a VS?
A VS is first and foremost a body under public law, of which all students at a university are a part. It decides independently on its own statutes and also on its own finances.
To what extent have the students been disenfranchised?
Without a body under public law, the student body cannot conclude its own contracts. For something like the semester ticket, you are always dependent on the goodwill of others, for example the university or the student union.
Even the student body’s own statutes and organisation are now dictated by the legislator, conveniently without teeth.
The few funds are also managed according to a similar principle, again by someone else. Every expenditure must now be approved by the university in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the legislator.
In short, the VS stands for the ability of the student body to act and decide independently. An ability that is granted to students at all universities in Germany. All except Bavaria.