Konvent 2019

You will find all parties competing for the student council with their positions in the Hochschulwahlkompass (university election compass) of the Stuve.

Student coucil,  competing parties 2019:

Election proposal number: 1 Hashtag: Grüne BuDe – Die bunte demokratische Liste

Election proposal number: 2 Hastag: Wählt doch einfach uns!

Election proposal number: 3 Hashtag: RCDS Erlangen-Nürnberg

Election proposal number: 4 Hashtag: Liberale Hochschulgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg

Election proposal number: 5 Hashtag: die LISTE

Election proposal number: 6 Hashtag: FSIen-Liste

Election proposal number: 7 Hashtag: Die Linke.SDS

Election proposal number: 8 Hashtag: Juso-Hochschulgruppe

An overview of all candidates on the lists can be found here

You can see the candidates from the last years in our history.