Faculty Council

The student representation at faculty level is the faculty student council (FSV). This is the official body of students at the faculties, which takes care of faculty-internal matters and decides on the budget of the student representatives.

The members of the FSV are determined by the university elections. At its constituent meeting, it sends three FSV students to the student board.

The students with the most votes hold the position of the spokesperson of the FSV. Students with the second most votes hold the position of the deputy student representatives of the FSV. The 4 students with the most votes belong to the Faculty Council.

The size of the FSV depends on the number of students in the faculty.

This years candidates for the student representation in the faculties (FSV) can be found here in the following PDF under the point “Studierende” to the respective faculties:

Notification of candidates-HSW-2020

In brief, the following parties are presented:

Faculty council / Faculty of Philosophy

Election proposal number: 1 Hashtag: Die Linke.SDS

Election proposal number: 2 Hashtag: RCDS Erlangen

Election proposal number: 3 Hashtag: Phil Fak`s Eleven

Election proposal number: 4 Hashtag: Die LISTE <3 Die PARTEI

Faculty council / Faculty of Law and Economics

Election proposal number: 1 Hashtag: Engagierte Studierende WiSo Nürnberg

Election proposal number: 2 Hashtag: FSI Jura

Election proposal number: 3 Hashtag: FSI WInf/IIS

Election proposal number: 4 Hashtag: Juso-Hochschulgruppe

Election proposal number:5 Hashtag: plurale solidarische Liste

Election proposal number:6 Hashtag: RCDS Erlangen-Nürnberg

Election proposal number:7 Hashtag: FSI WiSo

Election proposal number:8 Hashtag: Liberale Hochschulgruppe (LHG)

Faculty council / Faculty of Medicine

Election proposal number: 1 Hashtag: RCDS Erlangen

Election proposal number: 2 Hashtag: Liste der Fachschaften

Election proposal number: 3 Hashtag: Die LISTE <3 Die PARTE

Faculty council / Faculty of Natural Sciences

Election proposal number: 1 Hashtag: Bunte FSIen-Liste

Election proposal number: 2 Hashtag: Juso-Hochschulgruppe

Election proposal number: 3 Hashtag: RCDS Erlangen

Faculty council / Technical Faculty

Election proposal number: 1 Hashtag: Die LISTE <3 Die PARTEI

Election proposal number: 2 Hashtag: TF-FSIen-Liste

Berufungsrat (Appeal Council)

Studierende / Berufungsrat Fachbereich Theologie (Students / Vocations Council Faculty of Theology)

Personenwahl (Person selection) Hashtag: FSI Theologie

1 Xiggos, Nefeli, Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie
2 Spies, Adrian, Philosophische Fakultät und Fachbereich Theologie