Unsubscribe mailing-lists

There are four types of Mailing lists at Stuve FAU, for which unsubscribing works differently and is explained below:

  • Stuve mailing list (groups, presentations, FSIen, FSVen, committees, active, etc…)
  • Stuve-, Uni- and faculty mailing lists configured via IDM (news from the Stuve, surveys, FAU newsletter, etc…)
  • Mailing list of individual chairs, groups, others
  • general university, faculty or department mailing list (e.g. students at fau.de)

Stuve mailing list (groups, presentations, FSIen, FSVen, committees, active, etc…)

Most of these mailing lists contain a link at the bottom of the mail that is sent to the respective mailing list, as shown in the following picture

To unsubscribe from the distribution list, this link must first be clicked. (If there is no link there and the mail does not fall under one of the other categories, you can write a mail to stuve-it@fau.de and ask for removal, and point out the missing link)

In the next step, the affected mail address must be entered at the very bottom of the page (under “Austragen/Ändern einer Mailadresse”). Then click on “Abonnement abbestellen oder Einstellungen bearbeiten” (following image)

Another page will appear (following picture), enter the password that you will find in the welcome mail of the mailing-list and click on “Kündigung des Abos” at the bottom.

If you don’t know the password, you can have a new one sent to you by clicking on “Passwort zumailen”

An email with a confirmation link to cancel the subscription will be sent. After the confirmation via the link the subscription is cancelled.

Stuve-, Uni- and faculty mailing lists configured via IDM

This refers to mailing lists such as Stuve’s Wednesday mail, the FAU Newsletter, Career Service Newsletter, etc.

To unsubscribe from these mailing lists, a login under https://www.idm.fau.de/ is necessary. Then click on “E-mail subscriptions” in the menu on the left. A list of all university-wide mailing lists will appear and you can navigate to the mailing lists of faculties and other institutions. For all unwanted mailing lists, remove the tick and click on “save”.


Mailing lists of individual chairs, groups, other

Here there is no predefined possibility to unsubscribe. It is best to write to the corresponding secretariat or the person responsible for the mailing list. If you do not know either of them, first ask other people on the mailing list and if that does not lead to success, send a mail to the mailing list with the request to unsubscribe.

general university, faculty or department mailing list (e.g. studierende@fau.de)

From these mailing-lists (usually in the form with studierende…@fau.de or mitarbeiter…@fau.de) one is only removed by exmatriculation, but the mails sent there are very important in almost all cases. The Stuve is committed to ensuring that only relevant information is sent out there, such as “… from tomorrow all courses will be cancelled for an indefinite period of time” (#Corona)