Suggestion-Box The challenges we face as students are numerous and to be taken seriously! Please consider this as an opportunity to reach out and share your queries, inquiries and troubles. We (the Speaker's Council) do our best to help you with your problems. Your feedback also helps us to identify and alert the universities authorities reqarding urgent issues and respond in a timely manner. Your wellbeing, resilience and academic success are of utmost importance to us! Use the form below to send us your questions and problems concerning your studies. You do not have to provide personal information such as your name and email address, but you should leave an email address if you would like an answer. Your Name (Voluntary) Your e-mail address (Voluntary, except if feedback is desired so we can reach you) Your Faculty (required field) Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and TheologyFaculty of SciencesFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of MedicineFaculty of Business, Economics, and Law Your desired degree (required field) BachelorMasterState ExamOther Tell us your problem or question. The more detailed the better we can help you! (required field) Do you want an answer from us? (If yes, please enter your mail address) YesNo