General Student Committee 2020/21
Chairperson of the Student Council
Richard Schmidt
Study: Physics, M.Sc.
Further Committees: Student council (Chair), Commission for Ethics in security-related research, Delegation of the Landes-ASten-Konferenz (LAK), Spokesperson of the Young Socialists University Group
Working Groups: Political Education (Ref PB), Working group University Law, Working group ‘Causa Mueller’
Main focus:
- Improvement of study conditions
- Student participation and empowerment
- Reform of the Bavarian University Law
- Federal and state university politics
Theresa Brunner
Subject: History, German, German as second language, Arts and Biology (Teaching at middle schools)
Further Committees: Student council (vice chair), FSV Phil, PhilLuSt, Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (ZfL)
Main focus:
- Better conditions especially for future teachers in Nuremberg
- Networking between colleges and universities (LAK)
- Department against Discrimination, Racism and Sexism (AntiDisRa)
- Upcoming innovation law for universities
Lisa Heger (01.10.2020 – 31.03.2021)
Subject: Medicine
Further Committees: Student council, Senat, Faculty Council of the Faculty of Medicine, Committee for diversity
Working Groups: Referat PR, Referat AntiDisRa, Referat teaching and studies, working group for the new university law
Main focus:
- Implementation of equality and diversity
- Connecting the faculties
- Statutes and regularities (§§§)
- Student protest
- Livable FAU
- Mental Health
- Community
- Support for student engagement
Luisa Weyers (01.04.2021 – 30.09.2021)
Study: Jura
Further Committees: Senat, AK Öffnungen, Unirat, FSV ReWi, student Council
Working Groups: AntiDisRa
Main focus:
- Gender&Diversity
- more equality
Moritz Wicklein
Study: Life Science Engineering, M.Sc.
Further Committees: Student Senator, Member of the Student Council, Student of the Faculty Student Council (FSV Tech) and Faculty Council (FakRat) of the Faculty of Engineering, Delegate of the Landes-ASten-Konferenz (LAK)
Working Groups: working group PR, working group IT, Working group University Law, working group Causa Müller
Main focus:
- Against the current ban on overnight stays at FAU for
- Conferences of federal student representatives
- Conference weekends (from Student Councils, Study Course Initiatives, …)
- Communication and networking between different groups, levels, etc.
- Bavarian University Innovation Law
- Against the current ban on overnight stays at FAU for
Elisabeth Herzinger
Subject: Chemical and Bioengineering, M.Sc.
Further Committees: Student Convention, Faculty Student Council of the Faculty of Engineering, Central Committee for the use of Study Grants, Study Commission CBI
Working Groups: Referat PR, AK Klimaschutz
Main focus:
- Improvement of the study conditions
- Sustainability and climate protection
- Networking between the faculties
Michael Ruppert
Scholastic Corridor: Philosophy and Computational Corpus Linguistics (linguistische Informatik)
Further Committees: : FSV Phil, PhilLuSt, LAK, FAU Debating Society, FAU Corona Crisis Unit, UniLuSt, Student Council, Realization competition of the humanities center Erlangen, AG Campus der Zukunft / Achse der Wissenschaft, CIO/IO Gremium, AG EnrgSparMaßn Hörsäle
Working Groups: AK University Law (AK Hochschulgesetz), RefIT, Ref LuSt, AntiDisRa, FAUstelle, AK Hochschulwahlwerbung, AK Causa “Sprachenzentrum”, AK Kürzungen, AK Himbeerpalast and PhilFak 2.0, AK Öffnungsdebatte
Main focus:
- Reform of the Bavarian Higher Education Act
- Mitigating the consequences of the corona crisis
- Improvement of study and teaching quality
Maximilian Harl
Study Programs: International Information Systems, M.Sc. and Bioinformatics, B.Sc.
Further Committees: Student Convention, Faculty Council of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law (FSV ReWi), President of the Student Council for Information Systems (FSI WInf/IIS), Delegate to the Landes-ASten-Konferenz (LAK), Commission for Research and Young Researchers (FuwN), StuZuKo ReWi
Refereate und AKs: Referat PB, Referat PR, Referat Öko, AK University Law (AK Hoschschulgesetz)
Main Topics:
- Design of cooperation with the TUN
- Cooperation between Faculties, especially the integration of the ReWi
- Reform of the Bavarian Higher Education Act
- International, federal and bavarian university cooperation
Lasvini Suganthan
Subject: English and Economies as a teaching post
Further Committees: Faculty Council and Faculty Student Council of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Theology, Committee for the distribution of teaching subsidies PhilFak, Center for Teacher Education, Library Commission PhilFak, Delegate of the Landes-ASten-Konferenz (LAK)
Working Groups: PR, AntiDisRa, Urban life, Semester ticket, Awareness, Förderverein der @membacher.WG
Main focus:
- Awareness
- Equality and Diversity
- Better conditions at the Faculty of Humanitie, Social Sciences and Theology, espacially for further teachers