The Zoom video tool
As you all know, licenses for Zoom were purchased for all students through the university. There are detailed instructions on how to use Zoom on the RRZE [1] site and also a statement from the RRZE [2] on the privacy concerns about Zoom.
To make sure you can use Zoom without installing software or creating an account, we have put together some instructions for you below.
As an alternative to Zoom, the RRZE also provides Jitisi [3] or [4].
[4] (not from RRZE)
Using Zoom without creating an account (Chrome)
- use Chrome for nothing else or delete all cookies after each session (optional)
- add extension [5] in Chrome and read and internalize permissions well.
- Call chrome://apps and start the zoom app.
- enter meeting ID, then password and then accept the terms of use (read and).
- disable after use under chrome://extensions
- delete all cookies (optional)
- via chrome://apps you can restart the app with a grey background by clicking on it.
Using Zoom with (FAU-)Account via any browser
In the standard setting only name and FAU mail address are passed on to Zoom. This can also be switched off, see RRZE instructions.
Experience shows that Zoom works with Chrome with the least problems.
- delete all cookies (optional)
- Call
- click on “Login” and register via SSO
- Click on the “Join a meeting” button at the top right
- enter meeting ID and click “Join” (Note: Sometimes a download page and a cookie dialog appears. Don’t do anything at first, pay attention to the next point).
- (not always) A download page appears. Ignore it and press the back arrow in the browser navigation.
- do not follow the instructions on the screen and close any dialogues that may appear.
- click on the very small link in the middle “join via your browser”.
- read and accept the conditions and guidelines.
- enter meeting password and enter the name displayed in the meeting.
- allow audio and video transmission in the browser dialog
- delete all cookies (optional)
Possibility of pseudonymous use (instructions from RRZE)
Alternatively, a pseudonymised registration can also be defined via the FAU IdM portal without transmitting name and e-mail address to Zoom.
To do this, please log in at with your IdM identification and make the desired settings under “Settings & Applications” -> “General Settings” -> “FAU Zoom pseudonymisation”. Please note that the changeover will take a certain amount of time and that when activating the pseudonymisation, all user data saved by Zoom will be irrevocably deleted.
Further instructions
Another guide to using Zoom with a Virtual Operating System (VM) can be found here: