Working Group Civil Clause
Responsible: The active members of the working group “Civil Clause” .
Teaching, research and study at the university should serve peaceful purposes, enrich the coexistence of peoples and take place in the awareness of preserving the natural foundations of life. The Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg shall be a civilian institution that does not conduct any military or armament research and does not cooperate with military or armament industry institutions.
In order to implement this principle, the FAU Student Council, in cooperation with the Speaker’s Council, established a working group to prepare the introduction of a so-called civil clause at FAU (see also the associated position paper of the Student Council).
After years of preparatory work and resolutions in the various committees at the university, this was integrated into FAU’s mission statement in November 2016.
Now it is the task of all members of the university to achieve the new goals. The Civil Clause Working Group sees itself as a gathering point where information on the implementation of the new guidelines is collected. In the winter semester 2017/18, the Dual-Use Commission started its work. It serves as an advisory body in discussions on the compatibility of individual research projects with the self-image of FAU.
Work meeting:
The working group meets by appointment. Invitations are extended not only to dedicated students, but also to all professors and university employees.
Our previous activities (links in german):
- Report working group Civil Clause, November 2018: Statement on current military research at FAU
- Speech at the Eastermarch 2017
- The new FAU mission statement with the civil clause
- Report from AK Civil Clause, November 2016
- new sticker for a “Peaceful Alexander University
- Position paper of the Student Convention on the civil clause, May 2016
- Report of AK Civil Clause, May 2016
- Speech at the eastermarch 2016
- Position of the Student Convention on the Civil Clause, February 2016
- Report of AK Civil Clause, February 2016
- Report from AK Civil Clause, June 2015
- Speech at the Eastermarch 2015
- Flyer “Civil University”: outside und inside
- black sticker for a “Peaceful Alexander University”
- Theme evening“Civil universities” (Bavarian Alliance for Civil Education & Science)
- Panel discussion with representatives from universities and politics with representatives from universities and politics
- Postcard: The war begins here
- Position des Studentischen Konvents zur Zivilklausel, April 2013
Press information (links in german):
- Bavarian Universities for Peace, Protestant Press Service, 28.3.2019
- Renewed controversy over arms research, Erlanger Nachrichten on 29.11.2018
- Disagreements over armaments research University of Erlangen-Nuremberg radio report, Bayern 1 on 21.11.2018
- Controversy about arms research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, BR Television, Rundschau at 16:00 on 21 November 2018
- “Armaments research despite civil clause”, ask the State, 21.11.2018
- Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V. Juli/August 2018: Request to the BMVg, concrete information on the current military research project at FAU
- BT-printed matter July 2018: Military research also at FAU
- Bayerischer Rundfunk, 8.6.18: Armament research at Bavarian universities
- Funklust, 4.8.17: “Peaceful Alexander University”- the new civil clausel
- Nürnberger Nachrichten 23.12.16: “…and peace on earth among men… “: “…and peace on earth among men… “
- AK Civil Clause in an interview with meineFAU , 15.12.16
- Nürnberger Zeitung on 30.11.2016: Peaceful research at FAU
- 25.11.16: FAU press release on the introduction of the civil clausel
- Contracts awarded by the Federal Ministry of Defence and private defence companies to public universities and non-university research institutes and here is a summary of this printed matter for Bavaria
- The FAU press office in an intervie with Erlangen Today
- Hornegger, online at 3.5.16, northern bavaria
- University of Erlangen also researches for the military, Erlanger Nachrichten, 02.05.2016
- Article in the Nürnberger Nachrichten on the occasion of the Franken crime scene, April 2015: Secret research for the military only in the script? and The truth behind the Franken “crime scene”
- Research contracts from the Federal Ministry of Defence to public universities
- Lucrative contracts from the Ministry of Defence
- Erlangen: Material Tests for the German Armed Forces
- War Research in the Peace City
Further information:
- Initiative Universities for Peace (
- Documentation on the subject of civil clauses (
- Plenary Assembly of the Federal ESG: Proposal and Proposal and resolution of the civil clause
- Resolution of the Protestant Regional Church: Support of the Civil Clause Initiative at FAU, October 2015