Fast Forward Science 2025: We are looking for your multimedia contribution!

Passion for research, for innovative multimedia formats and for communication – Fast Forward Science is all about people who are not only passionate about science themselves, but who can also inspire others. Every year, the best video and audio content from young researchers and newcomers on social media is honored. Prizes are awarded to contributions that contain current research, are prepared in an understandable and target group-oriented way and offer the necessary “wow” effect. Special points are awarded to contributions that activate and involve their audience. The Fast Forward Science online competition, which is endowed with a total of €9,000, is a joint project of Wissenschaft im Dialog and the Stifterverband.
All important information can be found at:

The deadline for applications is April 30, 2025

Invitation to the 4th meeting of the Student Council of the term 24/25 on 24.01.2025

Dear fellow students,

We cordially invite you to the next Council meeting on Friday, January 24th, 2025, at 6:00 pm.
The meeting will take place in room “Übungsraum 02.133-113”, Wolfgang-Händler-Hochhaus, Martensstraße 3, 91058 Erlangen.
Here you can find the preliminary agenda.

Best regards
Maxi and Lars

FAUst aufs Auge – Improv Theater to Join In

FAUst aufs Auge e.V. brings you improv theater – spontaneous, unscripted, and fun. We offer regular workshops and performances. Follow us on Instagram @faust_aufs_auge_erlangen or join our International WhatsApp group for updates. Join our English Introductory Workshop on 07/01/25 at 7:30 p.m. or take a behind-the-scenes look on 17/12/24 (in German) or 21/01/25 (English and German). Sign up at or via DM. Next performance on 03/12/24 at 7:30 p.m. (in German). First-year students get free admission to all 2024 performances!

Meeting Christmas Celebration

As a study group, we want to celebrate Christmas together with you. Since God has come among us, we want to celebrate in the midst of our everyday life (that is, in the cafeteria). We will meet on December 18th at 7 PM in the cafeteria of TH Nürnberg, Kesslerplatz . You can find more information on Instagram: @smd_int_nuremberg