Submit an event for the Stuve newsletter

Form: Submission of events for the newsletter

The Stuve regularly sends out a newsletter to all students at FAU. As a supported university group, Student Council Initiative of a study program or as a Student Council representative, you can participate with your own contribution, for example to promote your events. Please note that the events should be relevant to all students at FAU. External groups are also allowed to submit contributions, but it will be carefully checked whether the stuve is willing to cooperate with this group and to be responsible for their contribution.

We will only consider contributions to the newsletter that submit both a German and English text. Even if your event is held in German, the newsletter should be arranged in a way that all information is also available in the English version.

The submitted title should make clear what kind of event it is, as just the name of the event often gives too little context for that (seminar? demo? meeting? etc.).

Attention – submission deadline: Currently, the mails are usually sent on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Contributions that arrive too close to the deadline will not be considered. Please submit them a few days before so that they can still be incorporated into the mail.

    Contact info for possible queries:

    Info for the newsletter: