Erlangen has had enough! Solidarity against crises

Not much has changed of the fact that many of us are threatened by the price increases in our way of life. Whether it’s rising rents, food or energy prices – the costs of just securing a living continue to rise. Our incomes, on the other hand, only increase in small steps or even stagnate.
We are asked to economize, but anyone who has lived on a tight budget so far has hardly any opportunities to economize. Even those who have not previously been threatened or affected by poverty experience a loss of prosperity and — not infrequently — fear of social decline.
This climate of fear for one’s own future is exploited by right-wingers in order to gain power. We had to watch the elections in Italy with horror, but right-wing parties and organizations are also experiencing a hefty boost in Germany.

We do not allow the right to play us off against each other but we stand up for a solidary way out of the crises!
The alliance “Erlangen hat genug – solidarisch gegen die Krisen” is therefore calling for a demonstration on Saturday, November 5th at 2 p.m., starting from Hugenottenplatz (Erlangen). We go on the streets together with clear demands:

Erlangen has had enough – with solidarity through the crises!
We are in the middle of a social crisis. Food, rent and heating costs are increasing immeasurably. Many of us struggle to meet our basic needs. That must have an end! Therefore we demand:
– Energy and heating must be affordable!
– Put an end to the horrendous prices of food!
– An immediate rent freeze!
– Bus and train for everyone!
– Wages and welfare up!
– Excess profit tax: take responsibility for those profiting from the crisis!

We look forward to go on the streets together with you for a solidary way out of the crises . Bring your friends, colleagues and relatives with you so that we can show out loud: Erlangen has had enough!

Studenten bilden Schüler (SBS) Meet Up

Dear fellow students!

Have you always wanted to get involved in social activities while studying?

* Then volunteer with Studenten bilden Schüler e.V.! *

In Erlangen, we are currently looking for committed students from all disciplines who are willing to volunteer with us to give tutoring or support the local administration.

Are you interested in volunteering to tutor with us? Then come to one of our Google Meet Ups on

Wednesday, 09.11.22 at 7pm via Google Meet

We will introduce ourselves and answer your questions.

For more information….
* Website:
* Instagram: @sbs.erlangen
* Facebook: @sbs.erlangen

Looking forward to meeting you and kind regards
The SbS-Erlangen Team
Esra, Julia, Moritz, Nicole, Mohamed, Daniel, Sebastian und Alex