Wahlergebnisse der Hochschulwahl 2021 (Visualisierung)

Dieses Jahr wurde vom 15.6. 12:00 bis zum 22.6. 12:00 erstmalig eine digitale Hochschulwahl mit dem Polyas-Tool durchgeführt.

Ergebnisse der Hochschulwahl 2021: Sitzverteilung (PDF Version)

Genaueres findet sich in den offiziellen Wahlergebnissen: https://www.fau.de/files/2021/06/2021bekanntmachungergebnishsw.pdf

Im Gegensatz zur Briefwahl aus dem Vorjahr ist die Wahlbeteiligung der Fakultätsrats- und FSV Wahlen an den Fakultäten und im Konvent wesentlich gesunken.

College Elections 2021 – The Countdown is on Vote only until June 22 at 12 p.m.!

The electronic university election at FAU is already in full swing. Take the opportunity and cast your vote in the election portal (online-wahlen.fau.de) until Monday, June 22 at 12 p.m. – if you haven’t voted yet!

University – what? You have no idea what it’s all about? Then watch the following video. Svenja and Lisa explain everything you need to know about the university elections.

You are also welcome to visit the website of the election office (wahlen.fau.de). Here you will find detailed information about the election and – after the counting – the results.

You have the choice and can decide with your cross on the ballot who will represent you in the student representatives and in the Student Council. So take your chance and vote!

Your Stuve

Demonstration against budget cuts on 19.6.2021 at 3 p.m. at the Audimax

Save our language centre!

On 19 June 2021 at 15:00 there will be a demonstration in front of the Audimax, supported by the student council together with the GEW-Studis FAU.

The context is that many jobs financed by the study grants have become significantly more expensive – while the budget has remained the same state-wide since 2014 – without compensating for inflation and rising student numbers.

This means that now, after the discontinuation of QuiS 2 and many associated posts, the diversity of languages and the number of places for language courses are at risk.

If this financial gap will not be filled, only 6,500 language course places will be offered per semester instead of 11,500 – whether this even meets basic needs is questionable.

Also language diversity is in danger: At the moment, more than two dozens of languages are offered, including not only widely spoken languages such as English, Chinese and Spanish, but also more selective languages like Icelandic, Korean or Swahili. Offering such a wide range of languages might not be maintained under the impending budgetary constraints.

At the demonstration, we oppose the constant tightening of funding for such programmes – and in this context, we call on the Bavarian state government to refrain from intensifying these problems in the new Higher Education Act and to focus more on proper funding for the quality of studies.

So let’s unite in opposing the trend of cuts and forced austerity and let’s show clearly that we will not simply remain silent when our range of studies is threatened! Come to the Audimax on Saturday!

Invitation to the 11th session of the student council

Dear friends of university politics at FAU,

On monday, June 21, 2021, starting at 5:00 pm, the student council will meet for the eleventh time this term.

This time we will discuss the current status of the budget reductions at the language centre, the preparation of the next meeting of the Stuve with the Chancellor of the FAU, Christian Zens, as well as the next meeting between Sprat and the university administration.

Please come by, we look forward to many guests,

Theresa and Richard

Sustainable Campus Week light

All events will take place in german.

The Sustainability Weeks light are a festival where actors around the topic of sustainability can have their say and get into action! Not only scientists and experts present their lectures, but also artists, directors and many other interesting forces are invited. We – the ecoref of the Stuve – would like to bring the vision of a diverse, colorful and interactive festival to life with you students and interested people. Due to the Corona pandemic, we will not be able to participate in the festival in its colorfulness live and present on the Unicampus, but we will not let that get us down: We invite you from 07.06.-18.06.2021 to actively visit the individual contributions of the Sustainability Weeks light via Zoom. It’s worth it!

On 07.06 at 7 pm a lecture and panel discussion on transparency in supply chain practice will kick off. Only recently the concrete planning of a supply chain law became public. So the topic is topical.

On 14.06. we invite you to the Ökoplenum at 6 p.m. to discuss topics of sustainability together with us – a part of the student administration. Among other things, we will discuss the possibilities of a sustainable development of the university. Last but not least, we would like to encourage you to get involved: get to know us and work together with us and the university committees towards a more sustainable university!

On June 15, starting at 6 p.m., there will be three presentations on sustainable banking. Triodos Bank, one of Europe’s leading sustainability banks, will introduce the lecture trialogue. This will be followed by Umweltbank, which is said to be Germany’s greenest bank. Third, Sparkasse/Deka will present its sustainability concept. Find out here which initiatives the banks have taken for more sustainability and whether the innovative being outweighs the appearance of mere slogans.

The lecture series FAU against CO2 will take place on June 16 at 6:15 pm. Prof. Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark will present the necessity and significance of Intergovernmental Panels on Climate Change (IPCC reports) from the perspective of a climate scientist in physics.

If you feel like watching a documentary on climate activism, you are encouraged to tune in on Wednesday, June 17 at 6pm. Here you can dive into the explosive events that took place in Hambacher Forst in 2018. From the dizzyingly high tree houses, the director Lukas Reiter lets you participate in the struggle for the Hambach Forest. After a joint film screening, the young filmmaker will be available to talk to you about his documentary, which won the Young Filmmakers Award at the Duisburg Film Week.

At the end of Sustainability Weeks Light, junior scientist Ha To-Trinh Nguyen (Berlin/Maastricht) will give an interactive talk on Bipoc – Sustainability – Mental Health. She will explore the questions of how societal structures affect the mental health of national minorities and how social change could look like, in that national minorities could also participate in health and well-being, but also fair work in a sustainable way.

We are very much looking forward to your participation and to a lively exchange on the particularly important topic of sustainability. You can find the Zoom-Link to the several events at [1]. More information will follow on Instagram [2] and the website [3].

[1] https://stuve.me/nach-wochen-light

[2] https://www.instagram.com/oekoreffau/
[3] https://stuve.fau.de/en/refs-aks-2/oeko-2/