Assembly Winter 2012

The meeting of all students serves as a university-wide forum for all FAU students and took place on December 5, 2012 from 4-6 pm in the Audimax. If you were not able to be there, you could also join the discussion online. The conversation history can be read online. For further questions, please contact the AK Plenary Assembly: stuve-ak-vas _at_


The opinions expressed were confirmed once again in the meeting of the student Convention of 17.12. and are thus the position of the student representatives. In detail:

1. should the student representatives stand up against the abolition of NCs, if no appropriate funds are provided ?

Result of the VaS: clear approval

The Students Convention was also in favour of the opinion in principle, but points out that it does not consider the instrument of numerus clausus to be a suitable means in principle. A position paper is to be drawn up on this complex of issues.

2. do we want a civil clause?

Result of the VaS: Clear approval
The Convention agrees with this view.

3. shall the Stuve organise a panel discussion with all parties represented in the Landtag at the end of SS2013?

Result of the VaS: clear approval

There was a misunderstanding here during the VaS: the applicant spoke of all parties represented in the Bundestag, but it was noted Landtag. Therefore, the Convention decided to consider both the parties represented in the Bundestag and the parties represented in the Landtag and possibly others, and otherwise agreed with the opinion. However, the implementation also depends on the formation of a working group.