FAU Dialog: Quality of Teaching

The FAU prides itself on the high standard of education and innovation to which we hold ourselves accountable. As such it is essential that we work together with the members of our community to continually better our quality of teaching and maintain our position at the forefront of the education sector. To facilitate such, an open discourse round was held on Monday the 10th of January, to which, students and staff alike were cordially invited.

We asked the tough questions:

  • Whose achievements deserved to be recognised via a Teaching Prize?
  • What should we focus on as we move towards #FAU2025?
  • What are our strengths and wherein lie our weaknesses?

All-in-all, the event was positively received with open-mindedness and critical thinking. We look forward to an ongoing discussion surrounding the issue and implementing the multitude of measures suggested on Monday.


Lara and Michael