Handover of signatures in support of a citizens’ petition for a students’ 365€ ticket
After a good four weeks of collecting signatures, the two student representatives Paulus Guter (coordinator of AK Semesterticket) and Christian Peppel (chair of the Student Convention at FAU) handed over the collected signatures in support of the citizens’ petition regarding the 365€ ticket for students to the Mayor of Erlangen Florian Janik and other members of various factions of the city council.
“Especially after paid base tickets during Corona and after the 9€ ticket, the semester ticket must now become permanently cheaper. That is why the State of Bavaria and the municipalities should strengthen public transport. In the medium term, our wish is for a state-wide semester ticket, as is available in many federal states,” says Paulus Guter from AK Semesterticket.
Even though all students at FAU, THN, EvHN and HfM will be able to use their base ticket purchased with the solidarity contribution as a 9€ ticket in the next 3 months, affordable public transport will still be needed afterwards, especially for students. This can improve the value of the university location and make it more attractive.
This demand is underlined by the student representatives in the Erlangen-Nuremberg area with the citizens’ petition for a 365€ ticket for students. “We call on all parliamentary groups to vote in favour of these proposals because of social and transport policy reasons,” says Christian Peppel, Chair of the FAU Student Convention.
Invitation to the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of the Student Convention on 5 March 2022
Dear all,
We would like to invite you to the 2nd special meeting of the Student Convention on 05.03.2022, at 18:00.
The meeting will take place via Zoom.
Here you will find the schedule.
The reason for the meeting is the further procedure of the Stuve in the negotiations on the semester ticket.
Best regards
Your Convention Chairs
Vollversammlung zum Semesterticket am 10.12. in Erlangen
Studentisches Aktionsbündnis, Studentenwerk und Oberbürgermeister stellen sich Fragen und Kommentaren zum Angebot.
Von 12. bis 21. Januar 2015 sind die Studierenden von FAU und TH Nürnberg dazu aufgerufen, über das vorliegende Angebot zum Semesterticket abzustimmen. Nur nach einem positiven Votum der Studierenden wird das Ticket kommen.
Um über das Angebot zu diskutieren, die Meinungsbildung zu erleichtern und offene Fragen zu klären, richtet das Aktionsbündnis Semesterticket – bestehend aus den Studierendenvertretungen der Nürnberger und Erlanger Hochschulen
am 10.12.
um 18:30 in Erlangen im Audimax (Bismarckstr. 1)
eine Vollversammlung aller Studierenden aus, die sich rund um das Semesterticket drehen wird. Auch der Oberbürgermeister, Florian Janik, und der Geschäftsführer des Studentenwerks, Otto de Ponte, werden reden und für Fragen zur Verfügung stehen.
am 17.12. findet eine weitere Versammlung in Nürnberg statt. Informationen dazu folgen in Kürze