If you have bought an Additional Ticket for this semester, it is now time to upgrade to the Deutschland-Ticket. If you haven’t done so yet, you will find the code to redeem it in an email from the VAG, which you should have received in the last few weeks depending on the date of purchase. In the following you will find some additional information from the AK Semesterticket about what you have to pay attention to.
The most important thing is that the additional ticket expires at the end of May, and therefore the upgrade is essential for further use. However, you can still use it until then, as long as you only want to travel within the VGN. You can still redeem the upgrade at any time until the end of September, but before that, you won’t be able to drive with it. If you have any questions or problems beyond the following, please contact the AK Semesterticket at hauptorga@semesterticket.org.
*What to look for:*
1) You have received two emails from VGN/VAG with subject “VGN Onlineshop: Your order xxxxxxx”; once the additional ticket and once the upgrade code.
2) The email was sent from verkauf@vag.de and not from @vgn.de (because VAG as part of VGN runs the online store)
3) The e-mail may have ended up in spam
4) The email was sent to the email address of the app or that of the VGN/Nürnberg-Mobil account; this is not necessarily the university email address (depending on which one was chosen)
5) In the VGN app (probably similar in Nürnberg-Mobil) the voucher can be redeemed in the menu under “Tickets” at the bottom under “Redeem voucher” – and not in the menu item “Deutschland-Ticket”!
6) With the same voucher code you should also have received 3,000 free minutes for the VAG bike (valid until the end of September)!