News from the Stuve

Department for Teaching and Studies

The discussion about the abolition of attempt counting for examinations and the abolition of compulsory registration is still very much on our minds, and we expect a decision to be made soon by the university-wide committees. We are still trying to convince the members of our arguments, some of which can be found in the position paper of the Student Convention.
The idea has also been discussed in some faculties in recent months. However, it remains to be seen whether the debate here will swing in a different direction from the university-wide debate.

In addition to this main topic, we are continuing to provide feedback and suggestions for improvements to CAMPO performance. A second workshop between students and those responsible is to take place soon, where we will present our (sometimes really urgent) improvements.

At a unit meeting scheduled for the end of January, we want to focus more on the university’s accreditation reports and find a form of regular meeting dates. If you are interested in participating, please contact us at

Speakers’ Council

As you can see from the email, Leon Bernath left the Spokesperson’s Council on 01.01 and resigned from the office of Deputy Convention Chairperson. His successor is Alina Abel, who has been a member of the Council since the beginning of the term of office.

University group feedback

In December, we carried out the feedback of the supporting university groups for the first time according to the new and significantly more extensive rules adopted in the summer semester. Reviewing the results still takes an enormous amount of time and requires detailed handling as well as a lot of communication with those also responsible on a voluntary basis. Some groups are part of the next Convention meetings, while we are still in contact with others.