Conference of Bavarian Student Representations

The Bayerischer Landesstudierendenrat (BayStuRa), formerly Landes-ASten-Konferenz Bayern (LAK), is the association of all student representatives in Bavaria. The FAU student representation actively participates in the BayStuRa. As a state-wide umbrella organization, the BayStuRa is the mouthpiece of the students of Bavaria and represents their interests towards other associations, politics and society. The BayStuRa is involved, among other things, in association hearings in the context of legislative procedures on university law and is in close contact with the Bavarian Ministry of Science, the members of the Science Committee in the Bavarian State Parliament and the chairpersons of the university associations – Universität Bayern and Hochschule Bayern – in order to address problems and concerns that affect more than one university in particular and to seek solutions.

Another important task of the BayStuRa is to provide information and advice to students in Bavaria. This concerns, for example, the networking of the advisory services offered by the individual student representatives and the preparation of materials on state-wide topics.

The resolutions and positions of BayStuRa are adopted at monthly meetings. All elected student representatives in Bavaria are invited to send delegates to these meetings. The meetings take place in public, so that all interested parties have the opportunity to inform themselves or to participate.


The current of Spokespersons of the BayStuRa are:

  • Isabella Hennessen, Technical University of Munich,
  • Jacob Sehrig, Nuremberberg University of Music
  • Nils Weber, Nuremberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm
