** UPDATE 02.12.21 – Given the current lack of available Comirnaty (Biontech / Pfizer) doses, an inoculation with the aforementioned vaccine cannot be guaranteed. Please note that the STIKO exclusively recommends Comirnaty for individuals, under 30 years of age, as of the time of writing.

Currently, we are engaged in organising a vaccination centre in Erlangen. Further infos will be posted here ASAP or per our Instagram page!


Dear students,

According to our information, the vaccination possibilities in the vaccination center Erlangen are currently scarce and there are also hardly any possibilities to get an appointment this year – not even for “boosters”.

“Students like vaccinations”- Therefore, we as student representatives in cooperation with the FAU would like to offer you an alternative (uncomplicated) vaccination offer:

With whom?

Dr. Christian Weghorn, Pickelstraße 9, 96114 Hirschaid, Germany

Which vaccine will be used?

Comirnaty (BioNTech / Pfizer)

When can I come by?

Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

No appointment necessary.

What do I need to bring with me?

Vaccination card and health insurance card, as well as the RKI COVID-19 vaccination education sheet and medical history and consent form printed out and filled out.

Information material on vaccination – information sheet on COVID-19 vaccination with mRNA vaccine.

When can I get booster vaccination at all?

Booster vaccination is possible at the earliest from 5 months after the last COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine of the last COVID-19 vaccination: does not matter

Dr. Weghorn supported us in July by offering a similar vaccination and now offers his help again. He still has sufficient capacity and vaccine available.

Invitation to the meeting of the student convention on 28th November 2021

Dear members of the student convention, dear interested parties,

we cordially invite you to attend the next meeting of the 2021/22 Student Convention this coming Sunday: 28th November 2021 at 6:00 pm.

The meeting will be held online via Zoom.

We are also again looking for 3 to 4 volunteer minute takers for the meeting. Please send feedback directly to Lou or Lasvini.

All reports from AKs, Referaten, FSVen and other committees (Sprat, Senat, Krisenstab etc.) please send in advance until 27th November to the Convention.

 @Convention members: If you are unable to attend the meeting, please remember to send your vote in time by e-mail and, if possible, to sign out early before the meeting.

You can find the current agenda for the meeting here.

Best regards

Your Convention Chairs

Press release of the FAU student council “Studis stehen auf`s Impfen” (Students are into vaccination).

The student council of FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg clearly distances itself from the current campaign of the initiative “Studenten stehen auf” (students rise up) and supports the 2-G regulation for university classroom events introduced at FAU. The movement “Studenten stehen auf” mobilizes for Saturday, 20.11.2021, nationwide to Erlangen. The initiative is a group with close relations to the Querdenken movement and presumably has only a few members from the FAU. It can be assumed that a large part of the demonstrators will travel from all over Germany. Students at the FAU have recently been calling for much stricter rules and more controls.
The right to education will remain intact under the 2G regulations. Courses will be offered in online format in addition to face-to-face, and supplementary digital teaching materials designed in previous semesters will also continue to be available. For lab practicals or similar events that can only be conducted in face-to-face format, the 3G rule will continue to apply. “So the unvaccinated will not be excluded from education at FAU,” clarifies Luisa Weyers, co-chair of the student convention.
“The student council demands the safest possible teaching, which is more achievable under 2G conditions than under 3G conditions. The Corona antigen rapid tests do not have sufficient sensitivity and specificity to reliably exclude the presence of infected persons in courses and there are simply not enough capacities for the more accurate PCR tests,” explains Carlotta Ebert, representative of the Nachhaltigkeitsliste (Sustainability-list) in the student council. Discussions with experts within the university have also led to this conclusion. 
“Given the tight situation in the hospitals, the only responsible alternative to the 2G rule would be a return to online-only teaching. That would be unfair to those students who have been vaccinated. The regulation maintains face-to-face teaching as much as possible,” emphasizes Lukas Bogner of the medical faculty’s student council. Other universities and higher education institutions, such as the Ingolstadt Technical University, have announced that they will be switching back to online teaching as of December 6. Already at the end of July, a voluntary and anonymous survey was conducted among FAU students on their vaccination status. In the process, 90% of the participants stated that they were fully vaccinated.  The decision on the 2G regulation for everyday university life was made in the FAU crisis team, which also includes members of the student council and experts from the university hospital. 
The student representation thus clearly positions itself on the side of medical research. The latter currently assumes that vaccinated persons pose a lower risk of infection and a significantly lower impact on clinics than unvaccinated persons.
At the booth, medical students from the Immunization Education Working Group and lecturers from the medical faculty will also provide information about the Corona vaccination and the current situation in the clinics.
Michael Ruppert, student senator, explains, “We counter the misrepresentations of the ‘Studenten stehen auf’ (Students Stand Up) initiative with facts and scientific evidence, because these should justify our decisions – especially at a university. There is a broad majority for this at FAU, and we feel this especially in our daily conversations with fellow students. Students like vaccination!”

FSV Medicine: Statement regarding recent 2G covid regulations

The elected student representatives of the FAU’s medical faculty (FSV Medizin) support the recent implementation of 2G covid regulations on-campus. This measure pays respect to the severity of the ongoing global pandemic and is direly needed to reduce the strain placed on the public health system by rapidly rising covid infections.

We would welcome the reintroduction of 3G covid regulations, should the severity of the current state of affairs drastically reduce. That being said, sufficient hygiene measures must be implemented to ensure the safety of students and staff alike.

We urge individuals who have not yet done so, to vaccinate themselves and thus play their role in increasing vaccination rates. Only then will it be possible to return to business as usual and face-to-face teaching formats in the long run.

We wish to emphasise the importance of collaboration with experts in the medical field, from whom we should universally accept counsel. Even as medical students, we are only marginally better able to asses the severity of the situation and determine the best course of action, than other groups of student representation.

In summary, if we are to overcome the current pandemic-imposed challenges we face, we must make decisions on the basis of scientific fact.

Position of the Speaker’s Council on the 2G Rule at FAU

Dear Students,

In the following text you will find the public statement of the Speaker’s Council on the 2G rule at FAU. The student council has not yet taken a position on this issue, but may do so in a future meeting.

Given soaring Covid cases and the associated ever-increasing strain on the public health system, the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg has, under the guidance of medical professionals, board members of the Covid crisis team and student representatives, made the decision to implement 2G in place of the existing 3G regulations.

The vast majority of severe Covid cases requiring intensive care are attributable to unvaccinated individuals, without a history of infection (as can be clearly observed in Erlangen’s university clinic). Furthermore, vaccinated individuals or those with acquired immunity do not significantly contribute to the worsening pandemic. In light of the aforementioned information, it can be reasoned that 2G regulations reduce the risk of infection, thus enabling the continued implementation of face-to-face teaching formats while ensuring the safety of individuals attending such events. We recognise the importance of equal access to education and patient autonomy.

Given the recent nature of the decision, a public position has not yet been adopted by the student convention. That being said, the speaker’s council supports the implementation of 2G regulations in light of the current severity of the Covid pandemic.

As of late, the speaker’s council has received a multitude of emails from students, concerned for their wellbeing, many of which support the implementation of stricter measures. Unfortunately, we have also been inundated with appallingly inappropriate emails, messages, social media posts and open letters of violent nature, drawing comparisons between 2G and fascism or the holocaust.

Encouragingly, notice of the measures appears to have increased vaccination rates within the student populous. Furthermore, newly arising online alternatives clearly benefit at-risk individuals who are denied attendance to lectures, seminars etc. ie. pregnant individuals.

In closing, we wholeheartedly support the universities decision to introduce 2G regulations and are disheartened by the ensuing and exceptionally polarising debate. Such an appropriate measure, designed to protect not only our health but the health of our most vulnerable individuals, ought to unite us, not create a rift in society.