Student workers beware! Collective agreement now! Bring in your demands!

Dear fellow students, dear student/scientific assistants and tutors (in short: student workers),

We need your help to improve the working conditions of student workers at our university! How? Take part in the digital survey of demands for the collective bargaining round at!

Why? All over Germany, student workers are organising themselves in the TVStud movement [1] and are demanding the improvement of their working conditions through a collective agreement, fair wages, co-determination rights and an improvement in the duration of their employment contracts – because we are selling ourselves far short!
The recently published study “Young, academic, precarious” [2] clearly shows what the working conditions of student workers at German universities are like: Wages at minimum wage level, short contract terms and chain contracts, lack of democratic co-determination…. Bad conditions that exist in almost no other area of the working world. It is not without reason that more and more of these jobs remain unfilled. Even compliance with minimum labour standards such as holiday entitlement, continued payment of wages in case of illness or the ban on unpaid overtime are the exception rather than the rule among student workers.

Our trade unions ver.di and GEW have taken up these problems and want to make the improvement of the working conditions of student workers a demand towards the employers in the upcoming collective bargaining round of the public service of the Länder (TV-L) in autumn. Together with them and other groups of public sector workers, we are preparing a collective bargaining movement and – if necessary – go for strike. The prerequisite for this is that many workers move. So now it’s up to you!

Now it depends on you!
If you have not already done so: Take part in the employee survey in paper form at your local TVStud initiative or digitally at and forward it to other colleagues.
The demand survey is open to ALL student workers, regardless of employment type and union membership. The only important thing is that you are currently working as a student worker (tutor, assistant without a degree, with a bachelor’s degree, with a master’s degree).
Our target is at least 1,500 student workers taking part in the survey.

Watch out for further announcements. At the end of October and in November, if necessary, we will take to the streets together if negotiations with the employers stall. To keep up to date, join our nationwide Telegram groups (see below) and keep up to date on Twitter and Instagram (@TVStud_bund).

Do you have more questions about the demand survey?
You can always contact your local initiative or

With your participation, we are a big step closer to a historic event: a nationwide collective agreement for student workers (yes, that has never happened before)! We say: No more precarious working conditions! No more disrespect for our labour rights! Give us the collective agreement! Because without us, the university will stand still!

[1] TVStud = Tarifvertrag für Studentische Beschäftigte/ Collective agreement for student employees. More info at

The show for new courage

We live in a time of multiple crises: Climate crisis, war, inflation, democratic crisis… Especially as a young generation, we should therefore never lose heart and look ahead.
With a humorous and entertaining show, the group Volle Halle shows inspiration for solving the crises of our time. Instead of frustration, the show whets the appetite for constructive departure.
Afterwards, everyone is invited to an exchange over snacks and drinks.
Admission 19h, start 19h30, E-Werk (large hall), free admission, language german
More information on the event website.

Helpers for the renovation of a refugee integration center

You would like to help Ukrainian refugees settle in and integrate? You are interested in international contacts and like to get to know other cultures? You would like to explore a new place yourself?

Then our YRIC project is just right for you!

Together with other young adults from Poland, Hungary and France you will renovate a house in Rabka-Zdrój near Krakow. After the renovation, the house will be used as a meeting place between Ukrainian refugees and locals to promote cultural exchange, plan joint activities and much more.

Who are we looking for?

You are between 18 and 30 years old
You have time between 28.08.23-03.10.23
You are willing to help with the renovation between 30 and 35 hours a week.
You don’t need to have any previous experience, but are open to learning new things and doing physical work. Artistic contributions are also welcome!
You are an open-minded person and have a desire to interact with people from different nations.
Basic knowledge of English is an advantage

What do you get in return?

Food and accommodation will be provided
You get a small pocket money
Travel expenses will be covered up to a certain rate (the amount depends on the distance)
and the most important: You can contribute to the integration of refugees and make international contacts yourself, get to know other cultures and exchange ideas with different people.

Detailed information about the project can be found here. The application period has been extended, so applications are still possible!

If you are interested, please contact us with some short information about yourself at or – if you meet all the criteria – apply directly on the project page of the European Youth Portal.

The project is funded by the European Union.