Zoom chat: Studying with a disability

Studying can present a wide range of challenges for people with physical, mental and chronical disabilities and illnesses. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Zoom chat on 16 December at 4 p.m. will provide a digital space for networking and exchanging tips and tricks about studying with disabilities. The chat takes place regularly on every 2nd Friday. The link to the Zoom chat is available on the website of the Office for Gender and Diversity (https://www.gender-und-diversity.fau.de/diversity/inklusion-an-der-fau/diversity-day-26-mai-2020-inklusion-an-der-fau/).

Invitation to the 3rd meeting of the Student Council of the term 22/23 on 15.12.2022

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to the 3rd meeting of the Student Council of the term 22/23 on 15.12.2022, at 6:30 pm.

The session will take place in the Großer Hörsaal in der Bismarckstraße 1a  (Raum Nr. 00.017).

Here you will find the preliminary schedule.

Kind regards
Your Student Council Chairs

Invitation to the 2nd meeting of the Student Council of the term 22/23 on 24.11.2022

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to the 2nd meeting of the Student Council of the term 22/23 on 24.11.2022, at 6:30 pm.

The session will take place in the Großer Hörsaal in der Bismarckstraße 1a  (Raum Nr. 00.017).

Here you will find the preliminary schedule.

Kind regards
Your Student Council Chairs

Ref PR relaunch: Help shape our social media and communication platforms!

Dear students,

the Public Relations working group will meet for the first time in the winter semester 2022/2023 on Friday, 11/11/2022, at 8 pm.

The meeting will take place in the building of the Student Council at Turnstraße 7, 91054 Erlangen (entrance in the backyard) in room 01.013 on the 1st floor (through the kitchen). The meeting will take place under 3G rules. I still ask, if possible, to test yourselves up to 24h before.

The Ref PR takes care of public relations, i.e. we want to promote events and topics around the university among the students and the public. This includes the creation of info videos, maintenance of the Stuve blog, poster, flyer, and sticker advertising for events, creation of social media posts, and communication in all directions, …

Since in the last semesters the unit, unfortunately, had too few active people, we want to relaunch the unit. Among others, the following topics should be taken up (again):

  • Stuve regulars’ table
  • Stuve Coach
  • (Live) reports from various festivals
  • Stuve merch
  • Stuve news in reel format
  • different actions/events (e.g. Stuve-Christmas market, Speeddating,..)
  • and much more

If needed, food will be ordered. Therefore we ask you to register here until 10.11.2022, so that we can plan better.

We are looking forward to having many participants.


FAU for Peace: minute for peace in Iran on November 17 at 6:00 p.m.

The student representation organizes a get-together for peace on November 17, 2022 at 6 p.m. on the lawn in the Schlossgarten Erlangen (in front of the equestrian monument in the direction of the fountain).

Here we show solidarity with the courageous students and university staff and protesters in Iran, whose life and limb is currently highly endangered.

There will be a short speech, a poem, and a moment of silence together. Afterwards we will have the opportunity to discuss the topic together.