Presentation of the FAU-St Survey 2021 at the next Convention meeting

The results of the FAU-St Survey 2021 have been published for some time now, and this Friday they will be officially presented to the student representatives at the 9th regular meeting of the Student Convention. If you’re interested, come along to the meeting, which starts at 18:30 on Zoom, you can find the access link here.

If you would prefer to view the full final report, you should have a look at this.

Civil Clause Working Group

Hardly any other topic currently dominates the news as much as the war in Ukraine. In this context, the questions arise: What is FAU actually doing for peace? How can we ensure that our university only conducts peaceful research? What committees already exist and how can they be improved?

We, the Civil Clause Working Group (Arbeitskreis Zivilklausel), want to find answers to precisely these questions. At our first meeting, we already worked out a strategy to advance our vision of a peace-promoting university, but we are urgently looking for reinforcements!

So please come to our next meeting on 23.06.2022 at 6:30 pm in Turnstraße 7. We look forward to seeing you!

Support for the Allianz pro StUB social media team

At the last meeting of the Alliance pro StUB, which supports the implementation of the largest tram project in Germany (, the issue of the visibility of the project, especially among students, was raised. In order to bring the topic closer to everyone, 2-3 people are being sought who can collect ideas for social media content on Facebook and Instagram and possibly also help with the creation. 

If you are interested, please contact us at

Handover of signatures in support of a citizens’ petition for a students’ 365€ ticket

Today, at the launch of the 9€ ticket, students in the Erlangen-Nuremberg university region are calling for a permanently cheaper semester ticket, because the local semester ticket is one of the most expensive in a nationwide comparison. The run on the 9€ ticket shows that many people want cheaper public transport. A recent study showing that 30% of students live on or below the poverty line illustrates how many students have to watch their wallets. Cheaper fares also have a significant steering effect on transport among this price-sensitive group.

After a good four weeks of collecting signatures, the two student representatives Paulus Guter (coordinator of AK Semesterticket) and Christian Peppel (chair of the Student Convention at FAU) handed over the collected signatures in support of the citizens’ petition regarding the 365€ ticket for students to the Mayor of Erlangen Florian Janik and other members of various factions of the city council.

f.l. Christian Peppel (Chairman of the FAU Student Council), Paulus Guter (Coordinator of the Stuve Semesterticket Working Group), Sebastian Hornschild (Klimaliste Erlangen), Mayor Florian Janik, Prof. Dr. Gunther Moll (Freie Wähler Erlangen), Andreas Richter (SPD Erlangen), Marc Urban (Grüne/Green List Erlangen)

In addition to the approx. 1,200 signatures submitted for the city of Erlangen, over 2,300 people in Nuremberg signed an equivalent application. Also, over 1,800 students residing outside Erlangen and Nuremberg have supported the application with their signatures (often second homes in Erlangen/Nuremberg). For the city of Nuremberg, the collection for the equivalent motion continues, as at least 4,000 valid signatures are required there. “More than 5,300 signatures for a cheaper semester ticket in the region is a strong sign,” says Büşra Başol, Vice Chair of the FAU Student Council.

“Especially after paid base tickets during Corona and after the 9€ ticket, the semester ticket must now become permanently cheaper. That is why the State of Bavaria and the municipalities should strengthen public transport. In the medium term, our wish is for a state-wide semester ticket, as is available in many federal states,” says Paulus Guter from AK Semesterticket.

Even though all students at FAU, THN, EvHN and HfM will be able to use their base ticket purchased with the solidarity contribution as a 9€ ticket in the next 3 months, affordable public transport will still be needed afterwards, especially for students. This can improve the value of the university location and make it more attractive.

This demand is underlined by the student representatives in the Erlangen-Nuremberg area with the citizens’ petition for a 365€ ticket for students. “We call on all parliamentary groups to vote in favour of these proposals because of social and transport policy reasons,” says Christian Peppel, Chair of the FAU Student Convention.