“Gen Z learning for FAU” by Adidas

What can the FAU learn from the targeted Gen Z marketing of a manufacturer of sports equipment and what is it actually like as a student to take part in a meeting with the university management.

If you are invited as a student to a presentation with the university management, you try to make a good impression. If the topic is also one’s own Generation Z, it could be quite strange when an Adidas manager, who is of course much older than you, presents you with studies on the behaviour of your generation. If you have also ironed your shirt to appear more like what you believe people expect you to be, you seem to fit in so perfectly that at the beginning they ask you where the attending student is – even though you have been sitting in the room for a while.
The presentation itself consisted of various marketing analyses by Adidas on Generation Z with a special focus on the topics important to Gen Z and their interests, as well as a subsequent discussion on how these methods and insights can be transferred to a university. According to the data, Gen Z is very internet-savvy, but also knows about the downsides of social media and its effects. Important issues for them are justice, climate, empowerment and sustainability. Normal advertising and marketing measures are largely seen through, the functions of products and their manufacture are given a much higher priority. Media and above all social media are used to share and collect experiences. It remains to be seen how these facts will affect FAU’s marketing strategy. Further discussions involving FAU students are planned in any case. Social media has the greatest reach and a high affinity among Gen Z, but whether newly developed marketing will have a positive effect on student numbers will become clear soon enough.

BioNTech Vaccination Appointments 27.01.2022

Dear students,

after the last two vaccination campaigns in December and January in the castle in Erlangen, the third campaign starts this week for the first time in Nuremberg.

For this, on Thursday, January 27th from 12:00 to 18:00 in the former Mensa Insel Schütt in Nuremberg (Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1, 90403 Nuremberg) – 1000 vaccine doses with the BioNTech and 1000 doses of the Moderna vaccine are ready. Booster vaccinations will be given starting 3 months after the second vaccination. The vaccination campaign is aimed at students and employees of FAU. Registered participants* may bring up to 6 dependents each.

You can register here via StudOn.

By popular demand, this time we will also offer the special children’s vaccine from Pfizer-Biontech for the age group 5-12 years (limited contingent).

Click here for the separate registration for the pediatric vaccination:

PS: Here is a video of our first vaccination campaign.

Against the “radical decree” yesterday and today!

50 years ago, the “extremist resolution” was passed. The “Verfassungsschutz” was given the power to check all applicants and employees in the public sector for their “loyalty to the constitution”. This set a harassment machine for political activists into motion. Leftists of all kinds, trade unionists, members of the VVN-BdA, etc. were spied on by regular queries of their “loyalty to the constitution”. The result: 11,000 ban procedures, 1,256 application rejections, 265 dismissals.

Demonstration on 28.01. at 5 p.m. at Schlossplatz Erlangen

We demand: annulment of the resolution, rehabilitation of the victims and the dissolution of the Verfassungsschutz! 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CY4NEMnNtoX/

Apply now: FAU Digital Tech Fellows Programm

The “Digital Tech Fellows Program” is FAU’s program open to outstanding innovative talents from all FAU degree programs and faculties!
We give you all you need to follow your heart and passion for digitization, entrepreneurship and innovation.

  • Become one of 20 handpicked talents from FAU
  • Work in interdisciplinary & international teams on a start-up idea
  • Get in touch with international expert coaches, mentors and entrepreneurs

➔ Apply here (till February 13th, 2022)  ➔ It only takes 3 minutes!!!

klick here for more about the Digital Tech Academy