Summer parties 2023

Hier findet ihr einen Überblick über die aktuell geplanten Sommerfeste (Stand: 16.06.)

  • 16.05. – FSI Medizintechnik – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
  • 19.05. – FSI Sinologie – Artilleriestr. 70 (Innenstadt)
  • 07.06. – FSI Pharmazie – Vorplatz Chemikum (Südgelände)
  • 13.06. – FSI Mathe/Physik/DS – Eiweiher (Physikum)
  • 14.06. – FSI Informatik – Hinter blauem Hochhaus (Südgelände)
  • 15.06. – FSI CBI – Innenhof Cauerstr. 4 (Südgelände)
  • 22.06 – TechFak Sommerfest (FSV Tech) – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
  • 22.06. – FSI Kanüle – Meilwaldbühne (Nord-Erlangen)
  • 28.06. – FSI Romanistik – Amphitheater (Audimax)
  • 29.06. – HSG VWI, FSIen WIng, MB, IP – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
  • 29.06. – FSI Geschichte – Amphitheater (Audimax)
  • 29.06. – FSI Lehramt CRS – Regensburgerstr. 160 (Nürnberg)
  • 29.06. – Trichter-Sommerfest – Innenhof Lange Gasse 20 (Nürnberg)
  • 29.06. – HSG VWI, FSIen WIng, MB, IP – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
  • 30.06. – FSI Politikwissenschaft – Amphitheater (Audimax)
  • 03.07. – FSI Germanistik – Grünfläche Kochstraße (Innenstadt)
  • 05.07. – FSI Jura – Amphitheater (Audimax)
  • 06.07. – FSI Latein/Griechisch – Amphitheater (Audimax)
  • 07.07. – FSI Geographie – Amphitheater (Audimax)
  • 20.07. – Fachschaften Wiso – Innenhof Lange Gasse 20 (Nürnberg)

Survey on the effectiveness of BAföG funding for studies (German only)

Dear students,

We cordially invite you to participate in a study on the financing of studies, especially on BAföG. Every student can participate, no matter if they receive BAföG or not. Among the participants 100 times 25€ will be raffled. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete.
Participation in the study will take place via an online survey, which will be conducted by the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn. The Stuve will be provided with the results, which do not allow any conclusions to be drawn about individual persons, so that they can help you in a targeted way on-site.
The survey will run until May 31 and can be accessed via the link below. Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. Data will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only. The survey is in German!

Link to the survey

We hope that many of you will choose to participate in this study and make an important contribution to improving the situation for students.

Yours sincerely,
Max Planck Institute Bonn

Info-Event for teacher trainees

With this event we want to give those who study to become teachers in elementary and middle school an opportunity to ask questions about the state’s training program which is mandatory after university (“Referendariat”). Since this training program is only acessable for German speakers (which, by the way, our union criticises), the event will be in German, as well.

Zoom chat: Studying with a disability

Studying can present a wide range of challenges for people with physical, mental and chronical disabilities and illnesses. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Zoom chat on 5.May and 29.May 2023 at 4 p.m. will provide a digital space for networking and exchanging tips and tricks about studying with disabilities. The chat takes place regularly on every 2nd Friday.

The link to the Zoom chat is available on the website of the Office for Gender and Diversity .