AG Medizin & Menschenrechte is looking for student interpreters

Hello dear fellow students, we from the AG Medizin & Menschenrechte support people who have no papers, or due to homelessness no access to medical care, by providing them with contacts of doctors, making appointments for them or even accompanying them to their appointment. For this reason we are looking for potential contact persons who have knowledge of foreign languages and ideally also medical knowledge from their studies. With this we would like to create a list and manage it as a WG, with which we could then establish a contact. All languages are welcome! We welcome anyone of you to join this list here!

Survey (

Thank you very much!

Best regards
Nina & rest of the AG MMR

Women wanted for contact point at the Bergkirchweih

The Women’s Emergency Hotline Erlangen (counseling center for women and girls who have experienced sexual violence) is looking, together with the city of Erlangen, for the Bergkirchweih in Erlangen (from 16.05. – 27.05.2024) young, socially committed women for the contact point “safe space” for girls and women!

What is it about?
During the Bergkirchweih there should be an open and protected space for girls and woman near the event area. For the supervision of the drop-in center we are looking for volunteers.
In addition to a professional training (date: 04. + 05.05.2024), we offer a free WEN DO course (date selection: 09.05. oder 11.05. 2024); also flexible shift assignments and insights into the work in the field of violence prevention and sexualized violence.

What should you bring with you?
You are empathetic, communicative, open-minded and can approach people.
You are studying social work, education, psychology, medicine or another course of study in the humanities or social sciences.

Have we aroused your interest?
Then we would be happy to receive a message from you with a short description about yourself and your motivation to participate in the drop-in center. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Impact Start-Up Turns – Sustainable Fashion

Sustainable clothing production – is that possible?

It is ! Join us at LG 0.144 (Nuremberg) on ​​January 25th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. to free drinks and let us convince you.

“More than 1 million tons of old clothes accumulate in Germany every year. Germany is the fourth largest consumer of textiles in the world. Fully-fledged textile recycling closes the gap that still exists on the way to textile recyclability. It’s high time to act.”
– writes the fashion label TURNS on their website.
Founded in Ansbach in 2020, TURNS is the first fashion label to recycle and spin mixed old clothes and use them to make new clothes in Germany.

That is why we at Sneep Nuremberg are very pleased to tell you that one of the founders agreed not only to present their great concept on Wednesday, January 25th, 2023, but also to give an insight into what it’s like to found a Business at our age, alongside studying.

We’ll meet at 7:00 p.m. at Lange Gasse, 0.144, for free drinks and snacks to find out more about TURNS and theie vison.

Kick-Off Balcony PV volunteer group

Students Obachd! 🙂

You want to make a big contribution to the energy transition without much effort and with fun? The student group ETG and the ClimateHub Erlangen, are starting a volunteer balcony solar consultation at the beginning of the year, following the example of Darmstadt, and we’d love to have you join us! In Darmstadt there is an initiative of ~30 young people who have already ensured the installation of over 1000 new solar panels last year through advice and info events. So we thought, that must be possible in Erlangen, too. After all, solar is not just for homeowners.

Are you interested in joining us? Then just come to our kick-off meeting on Jan. 24 at 6 p.m. in room 04.023 in Cauerstraße 7 – no prior knowledge necessary! Rene, a former FAU student, helped start the balcony solar consulting in Darmstadt and will present the concept. Afterwards we will discuss the plan for Erlangen together and end the evening comfortably in a pub. Come by, we are looking forward to it!

Best wishes,
Your balcony solar project
(ClimateHub Erlangen in cooperation with the university group ETG Kurzschluss e.V.)

StuKo Awards – the student concert of the FAU on 26.01.2023

The really big stars are coming to our auditorium!
The student concert of the FAU will take place on 26.01.2023 at 19:30 clock in the Regensburger Str. 160, Nuremberg! Every semester, the music students organize a concert with a creative motto. This time we would like to invite you to the sensational award ceremony, the StuKo Awards 2023.
With acts ranging from ballads to rock performances, you will be entertained by our beloved presenters will guide you through the evening. Only the best musicians are nominated for the Golden Pfeiffer and can win it! So be sure to the end for a variety of performances with class.
Admission is free for the audience, and drinks and food will be provided.
So come for an evening in our colorful world of music making!
We are looking forward to your numerous attendance!
The music students of the EWS