News regarding Semesterticket

A little over two weeks ago, the Semesterticket additional ticket cost only €2.07 at the DB ticket machines. We wonder why it took more than three days for this to spread, but then it turned out that word of mouth among students still works and more than 7,000 tickets at this price were sold. Our working group Semesterticket met directly in the evening for a crisis meeting. After intensive research, including court decisions on comparable cases, we quickly realized that the tickets would probably be declared invalid according to the law “§119 BGB Irrtum”. Nevertheless, we wanted to negotiate the maximum and asked the VGN and the DB for a crisis meeting. This took place the next day and it was an intensive negotiation, which we ended with a good compromise for all sides. At this point, we would like to thank the Studierendenwerk for their good support! We managed that with 1% of the ticket price you can ride 10% of the validity period, so the value increased tenfold. Alternatively, you could get the €2.07 refunded. Since we in Bavaria are the only federal state that does not have a constituted student body (thanks to the CSU) and are therefore not a legal entity, we cannot sue against it, but that is of course up to each individual. We think that the result is the fairest solution for everyone.

What is now important: Those who bought the additional ticket at the ticket machine still have to download the basic ticket online. We recommend to buy the additional ticket online anyway, because you can not lose it (electronically and multiple downloadable or printable). Tickets bought at the vending machine are lost after loss and with it also the 207€.

In addition, many questions reach us, whether one should not wait now for the 9€ ticket of the German government. Here our clear recommendation is that you buy the tickets that you would buy without the offer, because the promise stands that subscribers should not receive any disadvantages. The inter-university working group “Semesterticket” is already in close contact with the VGN about how the implementation and reimbursement can take place. As soon as there are more details, we will announce them through our regular channels. According to our calculation, students with an additional ticket will be reimbursed up to 114€ – the share of the basic ticket and the additional ticket is not yet clear.

Only if you pay less than 90€ in total for April, May and September, the 9€-ticket might be worth waiting for, but the calculation is still subject to final talks and without guarantee (depending on the implementation, the marginal price may vary).

There is also news about the planned 365€-ticket. For more than a year, we have been campaigning for students to be integrated into the 365€-ticket, which currently only schoolchildren and trainees can buy. We demand that students also receive this offer already from the winter semester 2022/23, but in doing so we are dependent on political support from the Bavarian government as well as the municipalities in the VGN. In Munich, the city signaled support last week, and there the ticket should come no later than 2023. Since we don’t have the support here yet, we are collecting signatures at lunchtime in front of the refectory during the first two weeks of the semester. We still need many people to help us with this. You can also print out the list of signatures and collect them in your private environment, you can find the list here. At the same time a survey will take place, you will receive a personalized link via email.

If you can help collecting signatures, if you have questions about the 2,07€-ticket, 9€-ticket or 365€-ticket, please contact us via the form. We have also compiled the most important information here. Follow also the new Instagram account.

Öffentliche Ringvorlesung im Sommersemester 2022: „Dialoge über den Ukraine-Krieg“

Öffentliche Ringvorlesung im Sommersemester 2022: „Dialoge über den Ukraine-Krieg“ Großer Hörsaal, Bismarckstr. 1 a, 91054 Erlangen Donnerstag, 18.00h – 19.30h


Großer Hörsaal, Bismarckstr. 1 a, 91054 Erlangen
Donnerstag, 18.00h – 19.30h



  • Yuliya Kosyakova (Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung, Nürnberg)
    Die Folgen des Krieges in der Ukraine für Migration und Integration: Eine erste Einschätzung“
  • Andrea Kuhn (Nuremberg International Human Rights Film Festival)
    Internationale Kulturveranstaltungen im Zeichen des Krieges: Solidarische Unterstützung zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit”


  • Monika Petersen (EFIE, Erlangen)
    „Die unerlässliche Rolle der Ehrenamtlichen in Krisenzeiten: Die Ehrenamtliche Flüchtlingsbetreuung in Erlangen (EFIE) e. V. berichtet“
  • Amil Sharifov (Referat für Jugend, Familie und Soziales, Koordination der Flüchtlings- und Migrationsarbeit der Stadt Erlangen)
    „Aufnahme der ukrainischen Flüchtlinge: Aktivitäten in der Stadt Erlangen.“


  • Markus Krajewski (Lehrstuhl für Völkerrecht, Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg, FAU)
    Völkerrechtliche Herausforderungen des Kriegs gegen die Ukraine“


  • Silke Steets (Lehrstuhl für soziologische Theorie, FAU)
    „Die Polarisierung der Welt als Refiguration von Räumen“
  • Stefan Applis (Lehrstuhl für Praktische Philosophie, FAU)
    „Das Raumsyndrom in der Politik Russlands: Eine geographische Betrachtung alter und neuer Konfliktlagen“


  • Helmut Altrichter (Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neuste Geschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt der Geschichte Osteuropas, FAU) + Heiner Bielefeldt (Lehrstuhl für Menschenrechte und Menschenrechtspolitik, FAU)
    Legitimations-Manöver: Historie, Propaganda, Menschenrechtsverbrechen“


  • Petra Bendel (Institut für Politische Wissenschaft/ Forschungsbereich Migration, Flucht und Integration, FAU)
    „Flüchtlinge: Schaffen wir das ein zweites Mal?“
  • Nicolas Rohleder (Lehrstuhl für Gesundheitspsychologie, FAU)
    „Flucht, Stress und Gesundheit“


  • Gibfried Schenk (Lehrstuhl für Neuere und Neuste Geschichte mit dem Schwerpunkt der Geschichte Osteuropas, FAU)
    „Ukraine im Krieg – doch Landwirtschaft braucht Frieden“


  • Marc Matten (Professur für Zeitgeschichte Chinas, FAU)
    „China als möglicher Friedensstifter?“
  • Elisabeth Meyer (Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft, FAU)
    „Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Sanktionen gegen Russland“


  • Simone Derix (Lehrstuhl für Neueste Geschichte und Zeitgeschichte, FAU)
    Die Politik der Räume: Perspektiven auf Macht, (Un-)Sichtbarkeit und Sicherheit als Privileg“
  • Kay Kirchmann (Lehrstuhl für Medienwissenschaft, FAU)
    „Krieg der (Nicht-)Bilder: Zur Rolle der Medien im aktuellen Kriegsgeschehen“


  • Oxana Zolotaryova (Director-General of the Department of International Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)
    „International Law as a Tool for Ensuring Justice and Accountability for the People of Ukraine”
  • Olekseii Makeiev (Special Envoy on Sanctions, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine)
    „Sanctions as the most efficient foreign policy tool”


  • Jurij Shapoval (Institute of Ethnic and Political Studies, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv)
    “Ukraine während des Krieges: Die Perspektive des Historikers”
  • Olena Malynovska (Institute for Strategic Studies, Kyiv)
    „Ukraine während des Krieges: Die Perspektive der Migrationsforschung“


  • Sergei Kokin (National Academy of Science of Ukraine)
    „Schlüsselereignisse der ukrainischen Geschichte im 20. Jahrhundert“
  • Svitlana Shytikova (National Erasmus Office)
    “Higher Education in Ukraine: Internationalisation Value Added During the War”


Organisatoren: Jürgen Kähler und Kay Kirchmann

Mit Unterstützung durch FAU Integra.

Sprat wants *YOU*

We are still looking for two more members for the Stuve Spokesperson’s Council (Sprat for short). We work closely together in a group of 8 Spratis on a weekly basis to advocate for the interests of students on a wide variety of topics, and we are also the top point of contact here. This includes meetings with the university management, cooperation with other committees, a lot of mail traffic, press releases, and, and, and.

You don’t have to be a member of the Convention or one of the FSVs. We are looking forward to all interested people who have already worked in a FSI or a working group and got interested in more participation at the university.

You are welcome to join our meeting on 28.02. at 7 pm, where we will welcome our newest Sprat member Christina. Feel free to contact us by email without obligation if you are in any way interested. We will be happy to answer any questions and tell you more about our work – whether by mail, at a meeting, or at a separate meeting.

We are looking forward to meeting you! 😊

How to ace your Job Interview

For all international students wanting to find a job in Germany now or in the future a huuuuuge topic – what do you need to say in an interview?

Practice makes perfect but instead of wasting 10 Interviews let us just teach you what to say! Marit Otholt, a recruiter from randstad, the biggest recruiting firm in the world and linkedin influencer will share her secrets with you on february 10 at 7 pm.  

Register here.

Generation-D – Competition for soc. & ecol. Ideas

Generation-D is a competition for social and ecological startups organized by students on a voluntary basis. You can apply with a simple idea, a project or a recently founded StartUp until 19.02. at The solution should contribute to at least one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and offer added value for the global population. Startups from all over the world can apply, but at least one person should speak German.
New this year is a Leader Pitch, where finalists can pitch and receive feedback in front of leaders from business, politics and social entrepreneurship.
Let’s improve the world together!