Against the “radical decree” yesterday and today!

50 years ago, the “extremist resolution” was passed. The “Verfassungsschutz” was given the power to check all applicants and employees in the public sector for their “loyalty to the constitution”. This set a harassment machine for political activists into motion. Leftists of all kinds, trade unionists, members of the VVN-BdA, etc. were spied on by regular queries of their “loyalty to the constitution”. The result: 11,000 ban procedures, 1,256 application rejections, 265 dismissals.

Demonstration on 28.01. at 5 p.m. at Schlossplatz Erlangen

We demand: annulment of the resolution, rehabilitation of the victims and the dissolution of the Verfassungsschutz! 


Apply now: FAU Digital Tech Fellows Programm

The “Digital Tech Fellows Program” is FAU’s program open to outstanding innovative talents from all FAU degree programs and faculties!
We give you all you need to follow your heart and passion for digitization, entrepreneurship and innovation.

  • Become one of 20 handpicked talents from FAU
  • Work in interdisciplinary & international teams on a start-up idea
  • Get in touch with international expert coaches, mentors and entrepreneurs

➔ Apply here (till February 13th, 2022)  ➔ It only takes 3 minutes!!!

klick here for more about the Digital Tech Academy

Become part our lecture series team

Are you interested in the topics of climate protection and sustainability and would you like to volunteer in your free time? Then become part of our organisation team for the FAU against CO2 lecture series. The lecture series is taking place for the 4th time in a row at FAU and is very popular, with over 600 registrations per semester and very renowned lecturers.  If you are interested in joining our diverse team of students of different ages and from different fields to help organise this great project, come to our next zoom meeting on 01.02.22 at 8pm. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Latest Corona Update

Global covid infections continue to skyrocket; a trend from which Germany is not exempt. Rest assured that the university’s covid crisis team continues to meet weekly to ensure the safety of our students and staff whilst maintaining face-to-face teaching and communication where possible. Given the current situation, regular teaching and examination formats are deemed safe under the premise that hygiene regulations and recommendations are adhered to. It is of utmost importance that absence in the case of mandatory attendance due to quarantine be excused to ensure just treatment of our pupils.

Students unable to fulfil 2G requirements are, as of the time of writing, permitted to present an antigen rapid test in lieu of a PCR test if necessary. The aforementioned is the fruit of a letter sent by the Student Parliament to the Bavarian state government concerning the limitations of the 2G / 3G + rules imposed by said Μinistry.

Current FAU corona regulations:

Should you encounter personal issues, please feel free to reach out via the “Corona Kummerkasten”.

Stay happy and healthy!

BioNTech Vaccination Appointments 17.01.2022

Given the raging success of and overwhelmingly positive feedback in regards to the university’s first round of covid vaccinations on the 15th of December, a second such event has been organised! 1000 appointments will be made available via StudOn in the coming days. Both Moderna and BioNTech will be on offer. Given the limited number of doses, the aforementioned offer can unfortunately only be extended to members of the Friedrich-Alexander University and up to 5 relatives or friends.

When: 17th of January, 10am till 6pm

Where: Erlanger Schloss

More information will be posted ASAP via our socials.