Departments and Working Groups

In order to open up participation in the student council to all students, the Stuve has created opportunities to get involved even without being elected or committed! These opportunities are currently embodied in seven permanent departments and additional working groups on current topics.
In the meantime, speakers are proposed from the departments, who must be confirmed by the Student Convention. These permanent contact persons have the task of organizing and structuring the work in their department.


Department for Computer Stuff

Spokesperson: Lars Wickel


The Working Group for Computer Stuff (Referat für Computerkram, Ref IT) takes care of the electronic infrastructure and technical issues of the Student Council, the Faculty Student Councils, many Student Council Initiatives and some student groups.
This entails administrating mailing lists, websites and services (Doodle Terminklick– our time-slot-finder, Wiki, Etherpad). More Infos

Department on Teaching and Studies+

Spokespersons: Leon Bernáth unn Maximilian Bohle


The Working Group on Teaching and Studies (Referat für Lehre und Studium, Ref LuSt) deals with all topics concerning the development of education and teaching at the FAU. They are in contact with the Vice President for Education and the Department for Teaching and Studies of the Central University Administration. More infos

Department for Mobility

Spokesperson: Jan Rieger


The Department for mobility (Ref Mobil) concerns itself with student mobility in the Region around Erlangen-Nürnberg. It follows the developments around the Deutschlandticket (also known as 49€ Ticket at the time of writing), it’s subsidized form for students, the “bayerisches Ermäßigungsticket” (29€ Ticket) and is in constant exchange with with VGN, the Studierendenwerk (Student Services) Erlangen-Nürnberg. The developments around the Stadt-Umland-Bahn Nürnberg-Erlangen-Herzogenaurach are another major concern for the department. More infos here.

Department for Public Relations

Spokesperson: Christian Peppel


The Working Group for Public Relations (Referat für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Ref PR) takes care of advertising interesting topics and events of the university and the neighbouring cities Nuremberg and Erlangen as well as events and information of the Student council itself among students and the public. More infos

Department for Ecology and Sustainability

Spokespersons: Tamara Lindner und Johanna Schiller


TheWorking Group for Ecology and Sustainability (Referat für Ökologie und Nachhaltigkeit, Ref Öko) wishes to campaign for a sustainable development of student life at university and in the cities. The want to educate the the ecological conscience of studentsand integrate current societal transformation into the university routine. They speak to politicians, institutes and the university’s administration. More infos

Queer Department

Spokespersons: Luca Mackiol und Norman Anja Schmidt


The Queer Working Group (Referat Queer) was established to cover all matters queer (homosexual, bisexual, transgender, intersexual, and queer). They organize and take part in information and networking events. Members of the Working Group are the FAU representatives in events such as the Christopher Street Day. It is the contact points for students affected by discrimination concerning their sexual identity. More infos

Department for Political Education

Spokesperson: Daniel Buchner

The Working Group for Political Education (Referat für Politische Bildung, Ref PB) aims to inform students about current politics (and especially the politics of higher education) in order to counteract the common disenchantment with politics in Germany. It is an assembly of students who are active in political parties or student groups as well as students who are simply interested in political topics. More infos

Working Groups

Working Group Awarness

Spokesperson: Leo Foppe und Benedict Saffer

Working Group Structural Reform

Spokespersons: Alina Abel und Christian Peppel


Working Group Ultimate Student Conference

Spokespersons: Ann-Sophie Scholl und Sophie Eidt


Working Group Housing

Spokesperson: Lis-Loreen Masel

Past and Discontinued Working Groups

The following departments have existed at some point in time within the framework of student representation. They were either dissolved because they couldn’t find new members or have been combined with another
Working Group. More information about the former departments and why they no longer exist can be found on the corresponding subpages.

Working Group on University InfrastructureMore infos

Any topic concerning the university’s infrastructure, buildings, and rooms fall into the realm of the Working Group on University Infrastructure (Referat für Universitätsinfrastruktur, Referat FAUstelle). This includes the creation of adequate teaching and learning spaces as well as the integration of the students’ everyday life into the buildings and spaces at FAU.

Working Group on Urban DevelopmentMore infos

If you want to work on issues concerning living and learning in the cities Erlangen and Nuremberg, such as accessibility by bike and cultural events (and many more), you are at the right spot in the Working Group on Urban Development (Referat für Stadtentwicklung, Ref Stadtleben).

Working Group for International Students Mehr Infos

The Working Group for International Students (Referat für Internationale Studierende, Ref Int) bundles the problems and challenges of international students in order to tackle them together. This is to ensure a better representation of the interests of international students within the student representation and at the university.

Working Group on nonmilitary clause More infos

Research should be for civil, not military purposes. This working group (Arbeitskreis Zivilklausel) campaigns for mechanisms to make sure that education, research and studies at the FAU are only used for peaceful purposes that serve the coexistence of peoples and the preservation of our natural ressources.

Working Group “Campus Flowers”More infos


Working Group Against Discrimination and RacismMore infos

The Working Group against Discrimination and Racism (Referat Anti-Diskriminierung und Rassismus, Ref AntiDisRa) of the Student Council deals
with all topics concerning discrimination. This may mean organizing  exhibitions and presentations to the different dimensions of discrimination and taking part in networking events. Apart from that, is the contact point for students affected by discrimination or racism.

Working Group on University LawMore infos

A new Bavarian university law is pending and many things will change at the FAU. The Working Group on University Law is reviewing materials on the topic, meets with politicians, is in contact with the university management, develops a position on the topic and advocates student interests in the legislative process.