ROCK YOUR LIFE! is an organization that has been advocating for more educational equity since 2009. We support young people from disadvantaged structures with our multi-award-winning mentoring program. The young people receive individual support from a volunteer over the course of a year. In terms of content, the aim is for the young people to learn to believe in themselves, to discover their strengths, talents and interests, and to develop a professional future together with their mentor. We also support the mentoring relationship with training, events and workshops. There are already around 40 locations in Germany that are run by volunteer students. In Nuremberg, too, we want to establish such a location, for which we are looking for motivated students who can support us on site to make more educational justice possible.
Five reasons why you should join us:
1. fight injustice
2. support young people
3. set an example
4. gain unique experiences
5. profit yourself
All information is available on the homepage of ROCK YOUR LIFE!