Student Initiatives

Here you can find a list of the student groups and initiatives at FAU that are supported by the student representations (Stuve).

Support for the Stuve may include the financing of advertising material or the provision of rooms at the FAU. Our guidelines for support are set out in the corresponding position paper of the Student Council.

The displayed descriptions and social media links were written or provided by the university groups themselves.


[ki’ta:so] [kitaso]

[ki’ta:so] is a student initiative at FAU. Every semester we organize a short film festival, where we give young filmmakers the chance to present their films to a bigger audience on the cinema screen of the Lamm-Lichtspiele in Erlangen.

The [ki’ta:so] team consists mainly of students of theater and media studies, but in general all students of FAU are welcome. Our team is divided into different groups such as marketing, public relations, social media, sponsoring, design as well as a production team for our promotional video and a group for the organization of the event itself. @kitaso_fau 35 Mitglieder


AES (Audio Engineering Society) Erlangen-Nuremberg [Student Section]g [AES]

We are a group of audio enthusiasts who likes to share their passion for audio with others. Therefore, we have regular meetups, organize events, invite experts, and participate in conferences. Whether you are interested in audio research or engineering, recording or reproduction – you are welcome to learn, exchange, and have fun with us! @aes.erlangen_nuremberg 14 Mitglieder


AG Junge Lebensmittelchemie [AG JLC]

The AG JLC represents the interests of students, PhD students and young professionals in the field of food chemistry. We are the Erlangen local group of the AG JLC. Our aim is to represent the interests of young scientists here in Erlangen, to promote communication with other universities and to make the profession of food chemists better known. To accomplish this, we are constantly expanding our established information network. Our local group meets monthly and we hold national meetings with all local groups every six months. @AG Junge Lebensmittelchemie @ag_jlc @ag_jlc 19 Mitglieder


AK Aufklärung Organspende Erlangen [AKO]

Even if every person in Germany is free to decide whether he/she wants to donate organs after brain death or not, people often remain poorly informed, with an opinion shaped by prejudice or superficial knowledge. Aiming to explain organ donation in a professional, unbiased and neutral manner without preferring any specific opinion about the topic, in 2014 the initiative „Aufklärung Organspende“ was founded and has since then successfully been established in many local groups across several universities, among them FAU.
Organ donation is an important issue since the required number of organs in Germany cannot be covered, leaving thousands of patients on waiting lists for years. So we, mainly settled at the faculty of medicine, but open for participants from the whole university, try to spread facts about the topic in the main population. By visiting schools, teaching in an elective course for medical students, holding and organizing lectures and many other activities we try to reach people and to empower them to make an informed decision pro or contra organ donation.
In our meetings during semester besides learning and talking about organ donation and planning upcoming events we have fun together and a good time as a group. If you want to participate, it is without importance if you have medical background or not – only your interest in the topic counts! 60 Mitglieder


Amnesty International Erlangen Hochschulgruppe [AI]

Amnesty International is the largest human rights organization in the world. As a university group in Erlangen, we work as part of Amnesty International on a regional level, addressing various human rights issues. Human rights are rights that everyone possesses simply by being human. We strive for a future where every person enjoys these rights. We are always open to new ideas, topics, and people who want to get involved. We look forward to having you join us! @AmnestyUniErlangen @amnesty_uni_erlangen 6 Mitglieder


ARENA – der jungen Künste e.V. [ARENA]

ARENA… of the young arts organizes the annual ARENA Festival for dance, theater and performance in Erlangen as a purely student-run association. Our work is closely linked to the university and is carried out on a voluntary basis. ARENA was founded in the 1990s and since then, every year in June, various artists and collectives from Germany and around the world travel to the ARENA Festival to present their pieces, performances and workshop formats to the city public. The next festival will take place under the motto “limited edition” from June 19-23, 2024. @arenaoftheyoungarts @arenaoftheyoungarts 30 Mitglieder


Association Internationale des Étudiants en Sciences Économiques et Commerciales [AIESEC]

AIESEC is the world’s largest youth-led organization and we are dedicated to providing young people with immersive, high-impact intercultural exchange experiences.
Our Local Committees allow students to take their first step in this organization by becoming team members, team leaders, or vice presidents in the departments of each Local Committee. Here they learn to act according to AIESEC’s six core values (Strive for Excellence, Demonstrate Integrity, Activate Leadership, Act Sustainably, Enjoy Participation, Live Diversity) and, most importantly, to develop in their personality the characteristics of leadership. @aiesecde 8 Mitglieder


BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) Erlangen e.V. [BEST Erlangen]

BEST Erlangen is a local group of the organisation BEST which is distributed in 30 countries in Europe. Since 1989 we have been offering students throughout Europe communication, cooperation and exchange opportunities.
BEST strives to help European technology students become more international by helping them better understand European cultures and developing the capacity to work internationally.
We therefore create opportunities for students to meet and learn from each other through our academic and non-academic events and educational symposia.
In Erlangen we organise events such as EBEC (student competition), Hackathons and BEST Courses. As a member you have the opportunity to travel within Europe and meet people from all around. @BEST Erlangen @best_erlangen @best_erlangen BEST Erlangen e.V. 30 Mitglieder


BLLV Studierendengruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg (Bayerischer Lehrer- & Lehrerinnenverband) [BLLV SG Erlangen-Nürnberg]

We, the BLLV student group Erlangen-Nuremberg, are part of the largest teachers’ association in Bavaria.
Our group currently consists of 20 student teachers from all types of schools.
We represent the interests of student teachers vis-à-vis politicians and stand up for a better education of all teachers in Bavaria.
This includes demands for improvements in the first state examination and more practical relevance in the studies (e.g. with a practical semester).
You are important to us!
That’s why we offer local events to get to know other student teachers (e.g. pub quiz, zoo rally) and practical training opportunities (e.g. How to talk to parents).
In addition, there are information events for the 1st state exam and the transition to the traineeship.
In addition, as a BLLV member you receive access to all state exams, discounted exam preparation courses and can gain teaching experience abroad with the BLLV.
At our team weekends, you can network with numerous student teachers and teachers from all over Bavaria, building valuable contacts for your future.
If you have any questions about your studies, please don´t hesitate to contact us at any time.
We look forward to meeting you at one of our events! 🙂 @bllv.studierende.erlnbg @bllv.studierende.erlnbg 10 Mitglieder


bonding studierendeninitiative e.V. Hochschulgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg [bonding]

With events such as the “bonding Firmenkontaktmesse”, excursions, “Career Night”, “Engineering Competition”, workshops, etc., we want to make it easier for students to start their careers and establish contacts with their favourite companies.
Furthermore, we want to provide students with useful tools in the field of professional qualification to make it easier for them to find their way in their work lifes. With our slogan “Experience what you can become”, we want to show students and our members what is possible for them! @bondingErlangenNuernberg @bonding_erlangennuernberg 15 Mitglieder


btS Life Sciences Studierendeninitiative e.V. [btS]

btS – Life Sciences Studierendeninitiative e.V. is a nationwide voluntary association with over 1300 members that focuses on the personal development and careers of students in the life sciences. The association is represented in 23 cities in Germany – and we are the group in Erlangen. We plan events that aim to help students of the life sciences with their studies and their future – seminars about finances, workshops to improve their own soft skills and company presentations of potential future employers. @bts_erlangen 15 Mitglieder



Debattierclub der FAU [Debattierclub]

Mastering the art of precise argumentation is not just a vital life skill; it’s also immensely enjoyable. We engage in debates following the rules of open parliamentary debate. The topic is unknown before the debate, and positions are drawn by lot.

What you can gain from debating includes the obvious enhancement of public speaking and argumentation skills, but also an exceptional training in quick and precise logical thinking. Through debating experience, you’ll learn to distinguish good arguments from bad ones and recognize heuristics and linguistic framing. Our sessions are open to all, with no prior knowledge or preparation needed.

Join the FAU Debating Society every Tuesday at 6:00 PM for a debate in German. Those interested can also participate in nationwide debating tournaments through our club. 20 Mitglieder


der Trichter e.V. [Trichter]

Der Trichter – the voluntary student café in Nuremberg city center
We cook – Monday to Friday we provide students and staff with coffee and home-cooked food, all at cost price.
We offer space – During our opening hours, the cozy vaulted cellar with its atmospheric painting areas, wooden tables and many, many sockets is open as a study and recreation room.
We organize student life – For many decades, the Trichter has been a meeting point for WiSo students and students of all faculties. We organize meetings, parties, bar tours and a big summer party once a year. @Der Trichter @der.Trichter 45 Mitglieder


Die Linke.SDS Erlangen-Nürnberg [SDS]

The student initiatives have only interpreted the FAU, the point, however, is to change it. @sds.erlangen_nuernberg 10 Mitglieder



EELISA student group [EELISA student group]

EELISA is an alliance of 10 European universities, one of which is FAU. We want to strengthen cooperation with students from the partner universities and organise a Europe-themed pub quiz every semester together with students from the partner universities. We also try to promote the opportunities for students offered by the EELISA Alliance at FAU. Summer school in Pisa, think tank in Madrid or workshop in Istanbul – we spread the news among FAU students! @eelisa_fau 6 Mitglieder


European Law Students‘ Association (ELSA) – Fakultätsgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg [ELSA Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.]

Our association ELSA-Erlangen-Nuremberg e.V., as a faculty group of “The European Law Students’ Association”, the world’s largest law students’ association, offers law students, trainees and young lawyers the opportunity to get involved and further their education. International understanding, the training of socially competent lawyers, academic work and practical relevance are the cornerstones of ELSA’s self-image.
As part of ELSA, ELSA-Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V., with its approximately 300 members, benefits from a Europe-wide network of approximately 69,000 members with over 375 faculty groups in 43 countries. @ELSAErlangen @elsa_erlangen_nuernberg 298 Mitglieder


eSports Erlangen [ESE]

True to our name, we are the local place to go when it comes to eSports.
The focus is on our community, where we bring together like-minded students with a passion for our sport. You\’ll find everything here: from community nights to Uniliga, from pub nights to big events. discord.ggDmDhbcREyf @E-Sports Erlangen @eSportsErlangen @esports.erlangen 40 Mitglieder

ETG Kurzschluss e.V. [ETG]

ETG Kurzschluss e.V. is the university group of the VDE at Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. The association exists before especially students from the fields of electrical engineering, information technology and communication technology, mechatronics and other engineering disciplines of our university, who want to actively shape their studies. The ETG Kurzschluss offers the possibility for this. Excursions to companies, seminars, lectures, regulars’ tables and a company contact fair – we will put all this into practice in the course of a year. At our regular ETG meetings, where the board of directors meets team leaders and interested parties, we plan the tasks to be performed. In spite of all the work, the fun do not come off badly! That is why, for example, there are events such as the annual demonstration of the Feuerzangenbowle, the ski excursion and the ERSTI camp.
With us, students study with fellow students from other semesters and disciplines gain insights into companies and exchange ideas with professors out. @etgkurzschluss @etg.kurzschluss etg kurzschluss e.v. 400 Mitglieder


Evangelische Studierendengemeinde Erlangen [ESG]

As protestant student and university community, we are there for people who study, teach and work at universities and take part in university life. We take our time, offer pastoral care and support and provide guidance in the search for orientation. We open up spaces for encounters and dialog. We offer a home for community and lived faith.
It is important to us that everyone is welcome – no matter who they are or where they come from. @esgErlangen @esgErlangen 50 Mitglieder


Evolonic [EVO]

Evolonic has been developing purely electric, long-range VTOL drones and sensor systems since 2018. In line with this, the team set a goal in 2022 to focus on an application for wildfire prevention using the self-developed drones. Currently, the team is working on the development of a system that is expected to be available to emergency services for testing purposes by the summer of 2024. Evolonic is also consistently present at various leisure and trade fairs to showcase the system.
Besides work, fun is also an integral part. The team regularly organizes get-togethers, BBQs, or other celebrations to strengthen team spirit! @evolonic @evolonic 25 Mitglieder



FAU Buchclub [Buchclub]

Reading alone in peace is nice. But it is way better when you can meet up with other book lovers and talk about what yuu read which gives you a bigger insight in the book. That is the goal of this book club. Together we choose books that we will read month by month and meet up to talk about them. With this you get to know not only new people, but also new authors or genres that you would not have considered before. This club gives you many new insights in the world of books. @buchclub.fau 20 Mitglieder


FAU FabLab [FAU FabLab]

Welcome! The FAU FabLab is a workshop that is open for everyone. You can come and learn to use machines like lasercutter, 3D printer, vinyl cutter etc. to create your own do-it-yourself projects. We also have basic tools and compressed air so that you can, for example, repair your bike. @FAUFabLab @FAUFabLab @fau_fablab 30 Mitglieder


FAU Security Team [FAUST]

Prepare, organize and take part in IT-Security Competitions (Capture-the-Flag competitions) @fausecteam 20 Mitglieder


FAUst aufs Auge e.V. [FAA]

Founded from the university sports course improvisation theater. We play improv theater together and also enjoy performing on stage. We also continue to offer a new beginners’ course every semester through the university sports program (currently all in German). @faustaufsauge @faust_aufs_auge_erlangen 25 Mitglieder


funklust e.V. [funklust]

Whether with or without experience, whether studying physics, something-with-media or alumni, we all have one thing in common: our passion for radio, video, web and media technology.
Every week we go on air with at least two live broadcasts from the FAU radio studio and regularly publish videos on our YouTube channel. You can also publish your own articles on our website, be creative on our social media channels and get involved in our music editorial team.
Are you interested not only in the content, but also in the technology behind it? Then you’ve come to the right place. In our technical team, you can learn all about our broadcasting and media technology and implement your own ideas.
We meet every week for our editorial conference. If you would like to join us, please send us an email or DM us on Instagram.
We look forward to seeing you! @funklust 65 Mitglieder



GEW Studis FAU [GEW Studis FAU]

We are students and student workers at FAU who are active in the Education and Science Union (GEW) to promote our interests as students and future employees of the university, in education or in science.
Together we get involved politically, organize and go to demonstrations, and information events. We fight for good teaching and good employment conditions at the university. We deal with political and social issues and fight against racism, sexism and homophobia.
At our meetings we discuss union work, organize our campaigns, do university tasks together or even move a meeting to a pub 🙂
Everyone is welcome and will find a place in our group. @GEW Studis Nbg/Fü/Erl @gewstudisfau @gewstudisfau 20 Mitglieder


Grüne Hochschulgruppe Erlangen [GHG]

We are a university political group that campaigns for ecology and social justice at the university. From time to time, we organize events on topics related to sustainability, social change, or whatever else is on our minds, and otherwise we get involved in university politics, especially in the Student Convention.
Nationwide, we are in contact with other groups through the Campusgrün network. @ghgerlangen 10 Mitglieder


Gummibären [Gummibären]

We are a group of people who love (vegan) gummy bears and who are committed to improving the study conditions at FAU, more inclusive and fairer student participation and a more colourful university.
In addition to (university)-political topics, we also have a lot of fun! @gummibaeren_fau 5 Mitglieder



High-Voltage Motorsports e.V. [HVM]

We at High-Voltage Motorsports e.V. are a non-profit association and university group at FAU. Since our founding in 2007, we have been developing a racing car for Formula Student every year. This is a design competition in which university teams from all over the world compete against each other in various disciplines. On the one hand, these include the races, but the technical implementation and business management criteria are also evaluated. Since the 2018 season, our racing cars have had components for autonomous driving, and since 2021 they have been powered purely by electricity.
Thus, our team is composed of various technical (aerodynamics, chassis, suspension, powertrain, electronics and driverless software) and non-technical sub-teams (organization, business plan and cost report). This interdisciplinary combination is so unique that we bring together students from all faculties. @octanes @highoctanemotorsports 300 Mitglieder


Hochschulgruppe Säkularer Humanismus [hsh]

The university group Secular Humanism is committed to secularism, scientific communication and a productive culture of debate. We are organized as a university group of the Giordano Bruno Foundation (gbs) and are networked with the many different university and regional groups of the gbs throughout Germany.
We also organize joint events with the other humanistic associations in the region. @gbs_fau_ohm 7 Mitglieder

HSG Erlangen-Nürnberg [HSG ER-NBG]

We are the first contact for all current and former FES members, liaison lecturers and selection committee members in Erlangen and Nuremberg.

A strong network of FES members needs our participation! In the university groups, we have the freedom to decide for ourselves what our involvement in the HSG can look like. Our activities are then organized by ourselves, which is why we do quite different things. For example, we meet regularly for a regulars’ table, organize discussion rounds on the situations at our universities and on all kinds of (political) topics. We also visit cultural events together or think about how the FES can become even more visible at our universities.

In short: In the HSG we get to know each other personally, meet in a relaxed atmosphere, exchange ideas, develop new ideas and plan actions.
If you have any suggestions or concerns, feel free to contact us or share them directly in the group.

Involvement in the university groups is diverse and possible at any time! Whether you are a new member or have been involved for a while, we look forward to getting to know you!

Link to the What’s App group: @Veronika Gossen 40 Mitglieder



We at IAESTE organize free paid internships abroad for students in the STEM subjects at FAU in over 80 countries worldwide (Outgoing). There are around 3,000 internships worldwide, and around 20 internships per year in Erlangen. We also take care of the interns here in Erlangen and the surrounding area (Incoming).
In addition to many summer weekends in Germany and Europe, you can continue your education and connect at several national and international conferences. We also regularly organize events for our members.
In Germany, IAESTE is part of the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service). @iaestelcerlangen @iaeste.erlangen [LinkedIn]IAESTE LC Erlangen[/LinkedIn] 10 Mitglieder


iGem Team Erlangen [iGem]

Our group takes part in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition, which is an annual repeating competing in the field of synthetic biology. Every year new students group together (mostly about 15-20 members) and work for one year on a self choosen project, that deals with word wide or regional problems with the help of synthetic biology. Every team organizes their finances, lab work, social media and human practices (social events). @igemErlangen @iGEM_Erlangen @igem.erlangen 22 Mitglieder


International Student Network Nürnberg-Erlangen-Fürth [ISN NEF]

ISN Nuremberg-Erlangen-Fürth aims to offer exchange students integration into local life as well as cultural and leisure activities. To this end, excursions, language tandems, parties and other activities are often planned. Furthermore, ISN offers FAU students who do not have the opportunity for a semester abroad an international flair and contact with exchange students. ISN works a lot with the Erasmus Student Network (ESN), as the aim is to set up its own section of the ESN soon. @isn_nef 30 Mitglieder


Int-WiSo e.V. [Int-WiSo]

We are a student association aspiring to connect all students of international programs and foreign students at the WiSo.
As most of our members study International Business Studies or Economic Studies, we aim at bonding students from these study programs.
We organise company presentations, factory tours, plan fun activities and parties for all Int-WiSo members. @intwiso 148 Mitglieder



jDPG Erlangen [jDPG]

Youth Group of the German Physical Society.
We organize lectures by professors, excursions and irregularly other events, such as physics competitions. 10 Mitglieder


Juso Hochschulgruppe Erlangen – Nürnberg [Juso HSG]

As a political student group, we are open to students of all disciplines.
We are united by the belief that the fundamental values of freedom, justice and solidarity are what need to be represented and defended at our university today, as they have been in the past. @jusohsg.fau 30 Mitglieder




Katholische Hochschulgemeinde [KHG]

We are an international community of students and young academics. We are open for students of all subjects, countries and religions.
We offer
… a community
… room to discover own beliefs and spirituality
… deep personal conversations
… opportunity for political discussions
… chance for social commitment
… sports, culture, games and leisure activities @KHG Erlangen @Khg.erlangen 60 Mitglieder


HSG Knotentanz [HSG Knotentanz]

The university group Knotentanz invites all students who enjoy dancing and attending dance events. Knotentanz is a form of partner dancing, similar to Disco-Fox and Rock’n’Roll, characterized by its lack of rigid step sequences and emphasis on spectacular figures.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced dancer, everyone is welcome to join us, regardless of whether you have a partner for dancing or not. If you’re interested, feel free to send us an email or DM us on Instagram.
@hsg_knotentanz_Erlangen 5 Mitglieder


Koreanische Studenteninitiative Erlangen Nürnberg [KOIN]

KOIN is a korean and german student group which introduces korean culture and supports korean students to get used to the german culture. @KOIN (Koreanische Studenteninitiative Erlangen-Nürnberg) @Koin_erlnue 40 Mitglieder



LBV-Hochschulgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg [LBV HG FAU]

We are a a association of nature-loving students und PhD students from different Universities in Bavaria. Here you can find friends and like-minded people.
The LBV-student groups are part of the Naturschutzjugend belonging to the LBV. We want to pass on the practical and professional enthusiasm for Nature and the feeling of community. As member of our group we want just one thing: Get out into nature and learn about the different plants and animals. @lbv_hochschulgruppe_fau 20 Mitglieder


Lehr:werkstatt e.V. [LW e.V.]

Our group is called Lehr:werkstatt e.V. and we are a non-profit organisation that serves to support the university pracitum project “Lehr:werkstatt”, which is currently settled at the Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung of the FAU. We are a group of volunteers and we try to enhance the current teacher training. Ultimately, we strive to enhance the teacher training systeme as a whole. @Lehrwerker @lw_verein @lehr.werkstattverein 15 Mitglieder


Liberale Hochschulgruppe Erlangen Nürnberg [LHG Erlangen Nürnberg]

We, the Liberal University Group Erlangen-Nuernberg, are a student association that represents the interests of all students in the Nuremberg metropolitan region. These include, among many other topics, resorts such as equal opportunities in studies or the study and research conditions of our fellow students. Thanks to our membership in a nationwide network and our constant correspondence with other local groups, we are always up to date on university policy issues and can therefore best represent the concerns of our members. @lhg.erlangen.nuernberg @lhg_er_nue @lhg_erlangen_nuernberg 17 Mitglieder



Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V. [MTP]

MTP – Marketing zwischen Theorie und Praxis e.V. has been the growth platform for the future generation of the marketing scene for over 40 years. This claim is achieved through cooperations with companies, professors, alumni and students. If you are interested in marketing, networking, events, projects and an amazing community, then you’ve found the right group!
MTP e.V. is not just about marketing:
You can also develop yourself in other areas with us! Our aim is to bring students from different fields together and give them an insight into practical work.
We welcome everyone to join us!
Sounds good? Then send us a message by e-mail ( or Instagram (@mtp_nuernberg).
We look forward to meeting you! @mtp_nuernberg 175 Mitglieder


Medizin & Menschenrechte Erlangen [M&M]

– medical advice and assistance for people without insurance or with refugee history or without passports or documents
– assistance with interpretors for medical issues and doctors appointments @ag_med_und_menschenrechte_er 13 Mitglieder


Mit Sicherheit Verliebt [MSV]

Mit Sicherheit Verliebt is a project of the AG Sexuality and Prevention of the bvmd. Since 2002, medical students as well as students of other faculties have been working together in our local group. We voluntarily offer sexual education for students following a sex-positive and inclusive approach. Therefore we make use of the principle of peer education and promote a healthy, self-determined and reflected view on sexuality, relationships and love.
We visit students aged 11 to 16 years in various types of schools in Erlangen. To guarantee a successful day in class, we provide our members with a nationally acknowledged training program. @msverlangen 20 Mitglieder


Muslimische Hochschulgruppe Erlangen [MHG Erlangen]

Welcome to the Muslim Students Association (MHG) Erlangen! We, as the MHG, want to serve as a central hub for Muslim students at FAU Erlangen Nuremberg. We strive to advocate for your religious, cultural, and academic interests, while also fostering your personal growth and development. As an active student community at FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg, we are dedicated to nurturing a familial environment that facilitates networking among our members. Through the organization of frequent meetings, events, and activities, we offer a platform for individuals to practice their faith, engage in cultural enrichment and community building. Whether one’s interests lie in religious discourse, cultural pursuits, or simply seeking a sense of belonging, MHG Erlangen provides a welcoming space. We extend an invitation to join our community and eagerly anticipate your participation. @MHG Erlangen @mhgerlangen 17 Mitglieder



Pakistan Student Association Erlangen-Nürnberg [PSA Erlangen-Nürnberg]

Pakistan Student Association (Erlangen) Nürnberg is a non-profit student association founded to bring Pakistani students and the community together. It represents all Pakistani students studying at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. It aims to provide a platform for Pakistani students to hold cultural events while also growing and integrating into German society, as well as to assist students in settling into the Erlangen-Nürnberg region and finding solutions to their daily problems. @PSA Erlangen Nürnberg @Pakistani Student Association(PSA) Erlangen-Nuremberg 21 Mitglieder

Platypus Affiliated Society Erlangen-Nürnberg [Platypus Erlangen-Nürnberg]

The Platypus Affiliated Society, established in December 2006, organizes reading groups, public fora, research and journalism focused on the problems and tasks inherited from the “Old” (1920s–30s), “New” (1960s–70s) and post-political (1980s–90s) Left for the possibilities of emancipatory politics today. @Platypus Erlangen-Nürnberg @platypus.erlangen.nuernberg 5 Mitglieder



Refugee Law Clinic Erlangen-Nuremberg e.V [RLC]

The Refugee Law Clinic Erlangen-Nuremberg is an initiative founded in 2015 by Erlangen law students to support refugees. We offer refugees free legal advice on questions relating to asylum and residence law and work closely with Prof. Farahat, lawyers and other aid organizations. @rlc_erlangen 100 Mitglieder

Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten Erlangen e.V. [RCDS Erlangen e.V.]

We, the Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten Erlangen e.V., are a non-profit political university group. True to the motto Party & Politics, we organise seminars and events on political education as well as social evenings, parties and much more. You can also meet us every Tuesday in the semester at 20:00 in our premises in the Adenauer-Haus, Neue Straße 34, 91054 Erlangen. @rcdserlangen @rcdserlangen 100 Mitglieder


Ring Christlich Demokratischer Studenten Nürnberg e.V. [RCDS Nürnberg]

The Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten Nürnberg e.V. is a non-profit political university group of the Faculty of Economics at FAU. We want to play an active role in shaping university politics at our university, which is why we stand in the university elections every year. We also meet regularly to discuss current issues. We also organise various events for students, such as the pub crawl, the first semester information evening and semester opening parties. @rcdsnuernberg 110 Mitglieder


Robotics Erlangen [Robotics]

Experience the excitement of robotic soccer! As a member of our university group Robotics Erlangen, you will be part of a team that develops small, fast and fully autonomous soccer robots on wheels. From the mechanical design to the electrical circuit design and the programming of artificial intelligence, our students take on every step of the process. Join us and shape the future of robotic soccer! @robotics.erlangen @roboticserlangen 25 Mitglieder


Rotaract Club Erlangen [RAC Erlangen]

Rotaract is a service club and one of the largest youth organizations in the world, with more than 180,000 members from 7,500 clubs in about 160 countries.
Rotaract consists of three pillars:
Learning includes, in particular, lectures or company visits designed by members or externs, exhibition , concert or theater visits. Occasionally, Rotaractors are also invited to attend lectures at Rotary clubs (their sponsor clubs).
Helping refers to projects or events such as the “Buy One More Thing” campaign in supermarkets, where customers are asked to buy one more product for a good cause and hand it in to Rotaract members. The collected goods are mainly given to local food banks or other people in need.
Celebrations are held at the club, district and international levels. For example, there are charter parties, Christmas parties, or benefit parties. @Rotaract Club Erlangen @rotaract_erlangen 20 Mitglieder




SKY Campus Nürnberg [SKY Campus]

SKY Campus Nürnberg is an International Student Initiative dedicated to building a resilient and mindful community at FAU. Through our focus on meditation, breathwork, and yoga, we address various issues such as mental health, emotional intelligence training, social connection, and service to society. Join us for our weekly events based on evidence-backed practices and be part of our vision for happy and mindful campus communities. Together, let’s thrive in life, lead with clarity of mind, resilience, purpose, and a sense of belonging. @SKYCampusNuernberg @skycampusnuernberg 11 Mitglieder


SMD Erlangen [SMD Erlangen]

SMD Erlangen is a Christian student group with different denominations. We are part of the German SMD network that has the slogan „think. believe. experience.“
Our aim is to provide a place to gather for anyone who is interested in Christian faith.
Our main meetings take place every Wednesday. We meet alternately in a large group (for lectures by speakers which simultaneously get translated by one of us, community and more) and in small groups (with different focuses). Moreover, we offer other groups such as an apologetic group and an international group.
In this way, we create a free space for community and the opportunity to ask questions and discuss faith.
Additionally, there are more opportunities for relaxed gatherings at camps, game nights, hikes, dancing and many other activities.
Our backgrounds are quite diverse and we are studying different disciplines, from first semester to PhD students.
You are welcome at SMD, regardless of whether or what you believe. @smderlangen 50 Mitglieder


SMD Nürnberg [SMD Nürnberg]

Are you an international student at the FAU? Then join our international group and bring your friends! We are students from many different countries and we look forward to welcoming you! Just send us a mail (, 015735699469) and drop by!
We meet every week in order to…
… enjoy food together.
…discuss different topics and find out together, what the christian faith and the Bible says about them.
… meet people from different countries and find new friends.
… get to know German culture and learn to speak the language @SMD Nürnberg @smd_nuernberg 40 Mitglieder


sneep Erlangen [sneep Erlangen]

Everyone is welcome in our local group and every project and every idea is considered conceivable and feasible – the only thing that counts is the connection to sustainability and/or economic and business ethics. In this way, we want to convey that questions about ethics and sustainable business and environmental issues start at an individual level and end at a global level. @sneep_erlangen 10 Mitglieder


sneep Nürnberg [sneep]

sneep stands for “student network for ethics in economics and practice”. Our association has set itself the goal of stimulating critical discourse on ethical and sustainable management in theory and practice. As a multidisciplinary network of students, trainees, doctoral candidates and young professionals, we want to bring sustainability and ethics more into business and science.
We want to encourage people to think outside the box of classic economics and thus show opportunities for business in the 21st century. @sneepNuernberg @sneepnuernberg 20 Mitglieder


Sozialistische Gruppe – Hochschulgruppe Erlangen/Nürnberg [SG]

The SG is an association of active and former FAU students who strive to provide analyses of current social, economic and political events as well as scientifically sound criticism of society and capitalism, and thus want to contribute to the promotion of political awareness at universities in the metropolitan region. @sozialistischegruppe @SozGruppe @sozialistische_gruppe 5 Mitglieder


START Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V.[START Nuremberg]

we unite student entrepreneurs

We want to be the first place in the Nuremberg region to go to for passionate students who believe in their own ideas and making an impact in the world through startups.
We want to bring talents together and let their own ideas and initiatives flourish within our community. This is made possible through active knowledge exchange and insightful projects resulting in extensive personal development. @startnuremberg 40 Mitglieder


StudyTutors [StudyTutors]

We, StudyTutors, are looking for students at FAU who would like to volunteer as tutors or support our initiative in the fields of organisation and administration!
We match students as volunteer tutors with children and young people from families who cannot afford to pay for tutoring. We are in contact with schools and social organisations for this purpose.
You can make a huge difference with just one hour of tutoring per week! Our site management team looks after all tutoring pairs and as a tutor you can take part in our regular meetings and workshops to exchange ideas with others.
StudyTutors e. V. is a non-profit nationwide association organised and run by students in over 50 university cities in Germany. @erlangen.studytutors @erlangen.studytutors 130 Mitglieder



Technik ohne Grenzen e.V. Regionalgruppe Erlangen [TeoG]

Implementation of projects in development cooperation: Support for equipment maintenance and provision of technical solutions for the disposal of clinical waste at hospitals. Improvement of teaching conditions at schools in third-world countries. @technik_ohne_grenzen 40 Mitglieder



UNICEF-Hochschulgruppe Nürnberg [UNICEF-HSG]

Every child in the world has the right to a childhood – we as the UNICEF University Group Nuremberg help on a voluntary basis to make this right a reality.
Our primary task is to provide information about the situation of disadvantaged children worldwide and to raise awareness of children’s rights.
In addition to providing information, we also organize our own events and campaigns to raise funds. @UnicefNuernberg @unicef_nbg [tiktok]unicefnuernberg[/tiktok] 25 Mitglieder


Unterwegs e.V. [Unterwegs]

We are a Christian student group and for us that means that we are open to everyone. No matter what you believe, you have a place here.
We want to build a student community where many ideas, opinions, and cultures can come together. That’s why we organize weekly events in our space (for example: Cafe English, Mahlzeit, Open Hours), where you can meet new people, or simply take a break from a busy day at Uni.
We would love to meet you! 25 Mitglieder



V – das Studimagazin [v-magazin]

We are V – the student magazine. Anyone interested can contribute to our magazine and gain their first journalistic experience! Whether it’s a theater review, opinion piece or gloss. There’s room here for everything you can put down on paper, or rather on screen. Take a look at our blog: or come to one of our meetings! You can find the dates on Instagram @vstudimagazin. @V - das Studimagazin @VdasMagazin @vstudimagazin 20 Mitglieder


VDI Young Engineers Erlangen [YE Erlangen]

The Young Engineers Erlangen is the university group of the VDI and consists of active students from various disciplines of the Faculty of Engineering. We dedicate ourselves in our free time to offer other students great events around the topics of technology, studies, and career entry, such as company excursions, softskills and programming seminars. Every year we also organize the company fair “CONTACT” together with ETG – Kurzschluss.
Nevertheless, we do not miss the fun part and we organize both internal team events, such as laser tag games or canoe trips, as well as external events, such as the Ersti-Camp or, together with the ETG, the Feuerzangenbowle.
Everybody can be part of our university group! By puting your own ideas to practice, you can not only play an active role in shaping the daily life at the university, but also build up an interdisciplinary network. @young_engineers_erlangen 25 Mitglieder


Verein Chinesischer Studenten und Wissenschaftler Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. [VCSWE]

We are an association for Chinese students and scientists in Erlangen and organize daily activities for Chinese students. For example, at the beginning of each semester we hold a welcome party for new students coming to FAU.
In addition, we also support Chinese students with free study and life counseling if they have problems studying at FAU or if they have problems in life in Erlangen. 30 Mitglieder

VWI Hochschulgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. [VWI Erlangen-Nürnberg]

We are a university group of creative and ambitious students at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. We give ourselves and our fellow students the opportunity to think outside the box of studying industrial engineering and to develop further professionally and personally. At the same time, we form a wide network that stretches from the first semester to our alumni. VWI Hochschulgruppe Erlangen-Nürnberg e.V. @vwi_erlangen 150 Mitglieder