Start of the university elections 2024

The university elections started today! To vote or not to vote, that is not a question. To vote, of course! It’s best to vote right now, online via the FAU election portal.

If you are unsure, take a look at the list presentation or ask the election compass which list best represents your personal opinion. And then please cast your votes without hesitation. You still have time until 19.06. at 9 a.m., but the sooner the better. The Stuve is counting on your votes!

Your vote counts!

Echt oder Fake

If you’ve always wanted to win huge amounts of pasta, rice, spices or tinned food (or if you just want to have a fun evening), then come to H11 in Cauerstr. 11 on the evening of 18.06. and try to expose your lecturers during their real or fake presentations. ‘Echt oder Fake’ is the perfect mix of science slam and lecture hall quiz that you really don’t want to miss!
The whole thing is organised by the FSV-Nat, but everybody is welcome. Admission is from 6pm, group size is approx. 3-6 people and snacks, popcorn and drinks will be provided. The first talk starts at 6.30 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!

Summer parties 2024

Here you can find an overview of the currently planned summer parties (as of 03.06.):

04.06. – FSI Medizintechnik – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
06.06. – FSI Mathe/Physik/DS – Eiweiher am Physikum (Südgelände)
11.06. – FSI Computational Engineering – Wiese Martensstr. 3 (Südgelände)
12.06. – FSI Pharmazie – Vorplatz Chemikum (Südgelände)
14.06. – ETG Kurzschluss – Grillplatz beim Roten Platz (Südgelände)
19.06. – FSI Geographie – Amphitheater (Audimax)
20.06. – FSI CBI LSE CEN EnTe – Innenhof Cauerstr. 4 (Südgelände)
20.06. – FSI Informatik – Grünfläche neben TechFak-Würfel (Südgelände)
20.06. – FSI Geschichte – Amphitheater (Audimax)
26.06. – FSI Jura – Amphitheater (Audimax)
27.06. – TechFak – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
28.06. – FSI Romanistik – Amphitheater (Audimax)
01.07. – FSI Germanistik – Wiese vor Hörsaal C (Innenstadt)
03.07. – FSI Politikwissenschaft – Wiese vor Hörsaal C (Innenstadt)
04.07. – FSI WIng / VWI – Roter Platz (Südgelände)
04.07. – Trichter – Innenhof Lange Gasse 20 (Nürnberg)
11.07. – FSI Philosophie – Amphitheater (Audimax)

Summer party of the FSI CBI at the TechFak

Dear fellow students,

we, the FSI CBI LSE CEN EnTe, would like to invite you to this year’s summer party of the CBI department on 20.06.2024!

The party will start at 5 pm in the courtyard of Cauerstr. 4.
Food will be provided in the form of barbecue (also vegetarian/ vegan) and drinks, including home-brewed beer from the BVT chair.

So that you know what to expect, here is the schedule:
17:00 Doors Open
17:15 Tapping of BVT beer
18:30 Official welcome, immediately followed by FAU Big Band (medium size)
19:00 Music by DJ TRWS
20:30 Presentation of the FSI CBI audience award for excellent teaching

For additional fun there will be a bouncy castle and our “Schnapsbar” will also be there!