History of the German (re)armement

The increase of armament in Germany has not only been a topic of discussion since the Ukraine war, but for years the budget of the Bundeswehr (German army) and investments in armaments and heavy war equipment have been increasing.

As part of our campaign “Uni against war! Disarm the FAU!” we invited the publicist Jürgen Wagner from the Information Agency Militarization (IMI) to give a look at the history of German (re)armament.
There will be plenty of room for talks and discussions.

If locations or time slots change you will find out about this via our Instagram .

(Lecture will be held in German language)

FAUMUN application phase

How does the UN work? What does the work of a diplomat look like? How do States resolve current conflicts of the world?

FAUMUN gives you the answer to all these questions. Take on the role of
a diplomat and represent a Member State of the UN at the worldwide
largest simulation of the United Nations (National Model United Nations
– NMUN) in New York.

Acquire extensive knowledge about international relations, improve your
soft skills and collaborate closely with students from all faculties. As
an interdisciplinary and international project, FAUMUN is an exciting
addition to all courses of study.

Further info at  www.faumun.fau.de

Instagram: @faumun_delegation

For questions, send us an email:  organisation@faumun.org

Seminar about financial intelligence as a student

With our seminar on “Financial Intelligence – Capital Investments as a Student” we would like to introduce you to the topic of finance and capital investments on July 7th, 2022 (6-7.30 p.m.) in H9 (Werner-von-Siemens-Hörsaal, Erwin-Rommel-Straße 60 ) in cooperation with the A.S.I. The seminar will be held in german.
Shares, ETFs, funds, cryptocurrencies, real estate, gold, bonds, … The list of ways to invest your own money is overwhelming – so overwhelming that one or the other prefers to leave the money in the account. The most important things you should know about investing and how you can start even with a small budget will be explained in this seminar. Due to limited places it is worth registering quickly here !

Further events can be found on our homepage or on Instagram 

RYLA about the FUTURE

How will we live, learn, work, produce in the FUTURE?
How do we shape the environment, society, consumption?
The Rotary Club Nuremberg Kaiserburg and the Rotaract Club Nuremberg invite you to a RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) seminar, where everything revolves around the FUTURE. From July 15 – 17, 2022, you can exchange ideas with experts from various fields during lectures and workshops. We will take care of accommodation and catering. 
Apply until 13.05.22 to nuernberg-ryla@rotaract.de. After the deadline, the planning team will select the participants based on the creativity of the application. 

START Nürnberg is looking for applicants

START Nuremberg application phase has started!
You are motivated, committed, interested in entrepreneurship, and want to meet new people to expand your network? Then we are the right place for you! Become a part of START Nuremberg and take part in our workshops, events and trips to other cities to get to know their ecosystem. Besides, you can strengthen and promote your soft and hard skills at our events. If you are interested, feel free to check out our Instagram account startnuremberg write us there or check out our homepage. There you will also find an application form.
START now!