New members sought for the sustainability advisory board

For the Nachhaltigkeitsbeirat (former Agenda 21 Advisory Board of the City of Erlangen) a new student representation (1 member + deputy member) is sought.

The NaB (Sustainability Advisory Board) is an expert body that advises the city administration and the city council on sustainability issues and makes recommendations in this regard. It supports the administration in public relations work on sustainability issues and communicates these issues to its own institutions and organizations. The committee’s goal is to support the city council and the city administration in the process of change with its knowledge and actions. In addition, its essential function is the multiplier role into the respective institutions.

For the work of the advisory board, members receive a lump-sum expense allowance per month of membership (€10) and a meeting fee per meeting of the NaB attended (€12.50). The deputies receive an attendance fee only if they officially represent the member at the meetings. They may attend the meetings alongside the member if the Corona regulations permit, but they are not entitled to an attendance fee.

The next meeting of the Advisory Council will be held on July 5.

If you are interested in contributing our student perspectives to this important committee, please contact Sprat directly:

3rd Digital Roadshow of Young Addiction Medicine

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
On behalf of the “Young Addiction Medicine” we would like to invite you to the 3rd digital roadshow of the Young Addiction Medicine with the topic substitution on 24.02.2022, 19.00. The events will clarify the most important questions regarding the treatment of opioid users. For more information, please visit
Thank you and best regards,
Maurice Cabanis, MD
Medical Director
Clinic for Addiction Medicine and Addictive Behavior Hospital of the State Capital Stuttgart

Study conditions in the summer term

FAU’s plans for the summer semester are taking shape. The plan is to largely return to business as usual with comprehensive face-to-face courses – this means that the vast majority of courses in every degree program will be held in person. In this case, the right to hybrid digital connection will be dropped – but teachers will still be able to offer it.
Online teaching is possible – but mainly for formats that can be done better online than offline, that are innovative and of high quality. The individual decision here also lies with the teachers.
In every form, it must be ensured that teachers remain approachable and accessible.
Exceptions are made for international students who are unable to enter the country – no disadvantages should arise here. In addition, we will of course respond to possible regional pandemic outbreaks.
The lecture period in the summer semester begins on 25.04.2022 and ends on 29.07.2022.
More details can be found in this week’s Stuve News video, where FAU Vice President Bärbel Kopp presents a few more details about the rules for the exam period and for the upcoming semester (in german):

BioNTech Vaccination Appointments 27.01.2022

Dear students,

after the last two vaccination campaigns in December and January in the castle in Erlangen, the third campaign starts this week for the first time in Nuremberg.

For this, on Thursday, January 27th from 12:00 to 18:00 in the former Mensa Insel Schütt in Nuremberg (Andreij-Sacharow-Platz 1, 90403 Nuremberg) – 1000 vaccine doses with the BioNTech and 1000 doses of the Moderna vaccine are ready. Booster vaccinations will be given starting 3 months after the second vaccination. The vaccination campaign is aimed at students and employees of FAU. Registered participants* may bring up to 6 dependents each.

You can register here via StudOn.

By popular demand, this time we will also offer the special children’s vaccine from Pfizer-Biontech for the age group 5-12 years (limited contingent).

Click here for the separate registration for the pediatric vaccination:

PS: Here is a video of our first vaccination campaign.