FAUMUN application phase

How does the UN work? What does the work of a diplomat look like? How do States resolve current conflicts of the world?

FAUMUN gives you the answer to all these questions. Take on the role of
a diplomat and represent a Member State of the UN at the worldwide
largest simulation of the United Nations (National Model United Nations
– NMUN) in New York.

Acquire extensive knowledge about international relations, improve your
soft skills and collaborate closely with students from all faculties. As
an interdisciplinary and international project, FAUMUN is an exciting
addition to all courses of study.

Further info at  www.faumun.fau.de

Instagram: @faumun_delegation

For questions, send us an email:  organisation@faumun.org

4th Young Addiction Medicine Digital Roadshow

The “Young Addiction Medicine” invites you to the 4th digital roadshow of the Young Addiction Medicine with the topic Drug treatment of alcohol dependence on 13.07.2022, 19.00.

Dr. Mathias Luderer (Frankfurt) will present pharmacological approaches in the treatment of alcohol dependence. Afterwards, a person affected will report on the treatment with disulfiram. Then, both speakers will be available to answer questions.

The “Young Addiction Medicine” is a subgroup of the German Society for Addiction Medicine (DGS). It has set itself the goal of drawing more attention to the numerous facets of addiction therapy work and getting people interested in this exciting field. Our “Digital Roadshow” is a series of events designed to make relevant aspects of addiction therapy and work with drug users understandable and to promote networking.

For more information on Young Addiction Medicine click here .

To register click this link .

Climate Camp in Erlangen

We started a Climate Camp at Rathausplatz where we protest for climate justice. We want Erlangen’s government to finally take action on staying below a global warming of 1,5°C.

To be effective we need many people that join our protest, so come over and let’s show the politicians: We don’t have time, we need to act NOW! 🔥🌍

The best way to support us is to come by and get to know us. To stay informed, you can follow us on Instagram .


Talk: Climate crisis and what we can do to stop it

The climate crisis is an existential threat that we absolutely have to stop. The new alarming IPCC-report makes it more clear than ever: We are running out of time.
We are climate activists and we will talk about why we think climate activism is the most effective way of stopping climate destruction and we will give you an insight into various political climate justice movements. Maybe you even want to get involved in the movement.

➡️ When? Wednesday, 20th of July at 6pm
➡️ Where? Lecture Hall A  Biologikum FAU, Staudtstraße 5

Seminar about financial intelligence as a student

With our seminar on “Financial Intelligence – Capital Investments as a Student” we would like to introduce you to the topic of finance and capital investments on July 7th, 2022 (6-7.30 p.m.) in H9 (Werner-von-Siemens-Hörsaal, Erwin-Rommel-Straße 60 ) in cooperation with the A.S.I. The seminar will be held in german.
Shares, ETFs, funds, cryptocurrencies, real estate, gold, bonds, … The list of ways to invest your own money is overwhelming – so overwhelming that one or the other prefers to leave the money in the account. The most important things you should know about investing and how you can start even with a small budget will be explained in this seminar. Due to limited places it is worth registering quickly here !

Further events can be found on our homepage or on Instagram