University elections at FAU

As every year, the university elections are coming up soon after the start of the semester, during which the student convent and the student faculty councils and student representatives of the faculties will be elected.
Nominations can be submitted until May 9th, so if you want to stand for election you have to hurry up and get in contact with an existing list or found your own list.
The election proposals will then be reviewed by the election committee, and all approved lists will then be published on the FAU page for the university elections on May 23.
If you do not have time to vote at all during the election, you can apply for a postal vote until 06.07. Otherwise, the election will take place electronically from 27.06. to 04.07.2022 from or until 9 a.m., so you can cast your vote digitally during this time.
In addition, there will be polling stations on the university campus where you can cast your vote (also electronically), the results of the election will then be announced directly on 04.07.
How exactly the election works is explained to you by Büsra in our video this week.
So that you are better informed who you want to vote for, there will also be a university election compass and other actions/events, of course we will keep you informed and inform you as soon as concrete dates are fixed.
But the most important thing is that you vote at all, because only with a high voter turnout are the people really represented in the committees that the masses want to have there!