Zoom chat: Studying with a disability

Studying can present a wide range of challenges for people with physical, mental and chronical disabilities and illnesses. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Zoom chat on 5.May and 29.May 2023 at 4 p.m. will provide a digital space for networking and exchanging tips and tricks about studying with disabilities. The chat takes place regularly on every 2nd Friday.

The link to the Zoom chat is available on the website of the Office for Gender and Diversity .

Free youth concert in Nürnberg

For two years we couldn’t see our favorite bands live. Now inflation kicks in and we can hardly pay for our free time. Culture should be accessible to EVERYONE, because it increases the quality of life and means social participation! At the same time, artists and the event industry urgently need support! That’s why we organized a youth concert for all of us to focus on the social value of art and culture and: Because we’re just in the mood to have a good time and dance into May 1st!

So: Pack up your friends, your family, fellow students and colleagues and come on April 30th. to the Kornmarkt in Nuremberg! Celebrate in solidarity for free!

The next day we go demonstrating. It’s May 1st – the day of the working class!:
In Erlangen: 11:00 a.m. Neustädter Kirchenplatzz. In Nuremberg: 10:00 a.m. Aufseßplatz

News from Stuve

The lecture-free period has also made itself felt in the student representation, which is why we have been busy with networking as well as new and longer-term projects over the last month. In the past weeks, the AK Semesterticket, with the support of some interested students, the Studierendenwerk, and the VGN, has presented this semester’s ticket options at various universities in the region. You will find similar information booths at our university next week, as Paulus explains in this video on instagram. Just drop by on either April 18th at WiSo, on April 19th at Langemarckplatz, or on April 20th at Roter Platz.

The Speaker’s Council was invited to the City Hall by the Erlangen Office for Volunteering and Citizen Participation to talk about what moves students and how to get them excited about volunteering in the city. With this in mind, in the external news section of this mail you will find a contribution from the City of Erlangen on the wide range of volunteer opportunities in the area. Which city developments would you like to support? What do you particularly like about Erlangen as a city? What could be improved? Feel free to send us an email to stuve-stadt@fau.de .

There was also a talk with Jürgen Kleinöder, the CIO of FAU. Here, the current problems, intended improvements and the further development of Campo were discussed. We are looking forward to the upcoming improvements, which resulted from our exchange.

With the start of the semester and the approaching summer, this year’s university elections are getting closer and closer and, as every year, the Stuve is already starting to prepare for the elections in order to ensure a well-structured and participatory university election. If you are interested in the topic of university politics or would like to join in the discussion, just drop by the next student council meeting. If you have any suggestions for university election events, please send an email to the Ref for Political Education at stuve-pb@fau.de. If you want to run for office yourself, you can find more information here.

Call for applications FAU Equality Prize 2023

Since 2005, FAU’s Renate Wittern Sterzel Prize is awarded annually for an especially successful equality project at the University.

The prize money is 10,000 euros and can be awarded to members and/or organizational units of FAU.  Is serves to continue existing or to develop new activities in equality and diversity at FAU. Suggestions for prize winners can be made by all FAU members, including students. Direct applications are also possible.

New: From 2023, student activities and teaching projects that deal with and receive funding for the topic of equal opportunities and diversity can now also be nominated for the award.

Further information about the application is available here.

The deadline for submitting applications and nomination ends on June 30, 2023.

Information about previous prize winners is available here: https://www.gender-und-diversity.fau.de/gender/preise-und-wettbewerbe/renate-wittern-sterzel-preis-gleichstellungspreis/