Position of the Speaker’s Council on the 2G Rule at FAU

Dear Students,

In the following text you will find the public statement of the Speaker’s Council on the 2G rule at FAU. The student council has not yet taken a position on this issue, but may do so in a future meeting.

Given soaring Covid cases and the associated ever-increasing strain on the public health system, the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg has, under the guidance of medical professionals, board members of the Covid crisis team and student representatives, made the decision to implement 2G in place of the existing 3G regulations.

The vast majority of severe Covid cases requiring intensive care are attributable to unvaccinated individuals, without a history of infection (as can be clearly observed in Erlangen’s university clinic). Furthermore, vaccinated individuals or those with acquired immunity do not significantly contribute to the worsening pandemic. In light of the aforementioned information, it can be reasoned that 2G regulations reduce the risk of infection, thus enabling the continued implementation of face-to-face teaching formats while ensuring the safety of individuals attending such events. We recognise the importance of equal access to education and patient autonomy.

Given the recent nature of the decision, a public position has not yet been adopted by the student convention. That being said, the speaker’s council supports the implementation of 2G regulations in light of the current severity of the Covid pandemic.

As of late, the speaker’s council has received a multitude of emails from students, concerned for their wellbeing, many of which support the implementation of stricter measures. Unfortunately, we have also been inundated with appallingly inappropriate emails, messages, social media posts and open letters of violent nature, drawing comparisons between 2G and fascism or the holocaust.

Encouragingly, notice of the measures appears to have increased vaccination rates within the student populous. Furthermore, newly arising online alternatives clearly benefit at-risk individuals who are denied attendance to lectures, seminars etc. ie. pregnant individuals.

In closing, we wholeheartedly support the universities decision to introduce 2G regulations and are disheartened by the ensuing and exceptionally polarising debate. Such an appropriate measure, designed to protect not only our health but the health of our most vulnerable individuals, ought to unite us, not create a rift in society.

Leitfaden für studentische Präsenzveranstaltungen im WS 21/22


Liebe FSIen, liebe HSGen, liebe sonstige Gremien,

da nun so langsam wieder die Präsenzzeit losgeht, möchtet sicher auch ihr euren Studis bald Veranstaltungen zum Vernetzen etc. anbieten. Damit ihr diese aber möglichst sicher für euch und die Studis anbieten könnt, haben wir versucht, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Arbeitssicherheit einen Leitfaden zum Organisieren von studentischen Veranstaltungen zusammengestellt:

Schritt 1:

Arbeitet euch ein sinnvolles Hygienekonzept für eure Veranstaltung heraus. Hierbei gilt: Abschauen funktioniert nicht. Jede Veranstaltung ist anders, deshalb wird jede ein eigenes, maßgeschneidertes System brauchen. Ihr könnt euch dabei an diesen groben Punkten orientieren:

  • Bei Veranstaltungen in Innenräumen gilt an der FAU die 3G-Regel, welche überprüft und dokumentiert werden muss. Bei Veranstaltungen mit mehr als 1000 Personen im Freien gilt ebenfalls die 3G-Regel.
  • Eine Kontaktdatenerfassung muss erfolgen (analog und digital) mittels “Darfichrein”.
  • Bei Veranstaltungen in Innenräumen:
    • braucht es ein Lüftungs- und Reinigungskonzept.
    • gilt durchgängig Maskenpflicht (OP Maske ausreichend).
  • Bei Bewirtung sind die Vorgaben des Rahmenkonzepts Gastronomie zu beachten.
  • Es gilt das Rahmenkonzept für Hochschulen [1].

Schritt 2:

Verfasst eine Mail an die jeweils für euer Department zuständige Person aus der Arbeitssicherheit [2], in der ihr eure Veranstaltung kurz beschreibt und das dazugehörige Hygienekonzept vorstellt. Mit dieser Person könnt ihr das Konzept bei Bedarf so lange anpassen, bis zumutbare Rahmenbedingungen für eure Veranstaltung entstanden sind. Das Sachgebiet ist momentan ziemlich ausgelastet, deswegen seid bitte nett 🙂

Schritt 3:

Habt Spaß bei eurer Veranstaltung und seid verantwortungsbewusst bei der Umsetzung eurer Regeln!

Bitte beachtet: Dieses Vorgehen ersetzt nicht die üblichen Schritte eines Raumantrages, etc.! [3]

Viele Grüße

Büsra, Lara und Michael

[1] https://www.verkuendung-bayern.de/files/baymbl/2021/669/baymbl-2021-669.pdf

[2] https://www.intern.fau.de/arbeitssicherheit/wir-ueber-uns/kontakt-arbeitssicherheit/ (Zugriff aus FAU Netzwerk oder VPN)

[3] https://stuve.fau.de/service/antraege/raumantrag/

Welcome to FAU

Dear Freshmen,

in a few days the lectures for the winter semester 21/22 will start. To help everyone find their way around during their first days we have summarized information on the most important topics for you here:

First steps

In order to get along as well as possible from the beginning, it is important to familiarize yourself with the infrastructure of FAU. We recommend our Checklist for the start of studies.


This winter semester, the corona virus will continue to be a part of our lives. For those who want to know more about what protective and containment measures are being taken, we have compiled information that you can view at Stuve Corona Info.

Introductory events

Before the lectures start, there will be a freshman welcome for all new students of FAU on 18.10 from 2 to 5 pm. You can find more information here.

Information on the subject-specific introductions for your subjects can be found bundled on the websites of your faculties:

We wish you all a good start in your studies.

Your Stuve

Einladung zur 14. Sitzung des studentischen Konvents

Dear members of the Student Convention, Dear friends of university politics,

We kindly invite you to participate in the fourteenth meeting of the Student Council 2020/21 this coming Friday, 24.09.2021 from 6:30 pm.

The meeting will again be held as a hybrid meeting. Members of the Convention are cordially invited to attend the meeting in presence in Lecture Hall G of the Physikum, but can join digitally via zoom, as well as guests.

The meeting will be the last meeting of the 2020/21 term of office, accordingly the agenda includes the item “Short review of the 2020/21 period of office with open debate”.

As always, we look forward to a welcome many guests.

The Student Council will meet in hybrid format from now on

Dear Students, Dear members of the Student Council,

As promised in the last meeting of the Student Council, the general opinion of the members of the student council was evaluated and a clear majority favoured the face-to-face format, as long as the general hygiene rules allow for it. In consequence – but still depending on the pandemic situation – the remaining three meetings of the 2020/21 term will be held in hybrid format.

This means that council members are invited to attend the meeting in person and guests will still be able to participate digitally. To be able to vote in an orderly fashion, voting will still be held digitally via OpenSlides. Therefore, members of the Convention who are digitally connected can also cast their votes as in our previous meetings.

Dates and places

The remaining three regular meetings of this term are scheduled as follows:

The official meeting invitations including the corresponding agenda will be sent out according to the invitation deadline at least one week before the respective meeting.

We look forward to productive meetings and constructive discussions,

Your Student Council’s Chairpersons,

Theresa and Richard