Generic feminine

As you could see from our last newsletter, we used the generic feminine instead of the gender asterisk. The reason for our use of the generic feminine is an awareness challenge initiated by student representatives. By using the generic feminine, we want to send a signal that the way we speak (and write) has an impact and that different groups feel addressed by different terms – or not.  Especially since May is the month of several action days on diversity and inclusion (17.05.2021 the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia and 18.05.2021 the German Diversity Day), we decided to make May Gender Sensitive Language Awareness Month. 

If you feel disturbed by the generic feminine, you should perhaps check your own privileges and ask yourself how people feel who are normally never “mentioned”. After all, the generic masculine is no different than the generic feminine, except that it identifies men as a privileged group in the first place. We are aware that the generic feminine is just the other extreme, but we just want to show that it does make a difference how you formulate gender-specific language. Just as people can feel excluded by the generic feminine, the generic masculine also excludes people who do not identify as male.

In a nutshell: If you are a male and you don’t feel included here, although you are included, then it is the same phenomenon that non-male persons are exposed to day after day.

The generic masculine is a linguistic phenomenon in some languages and refers allegedly to a gender-neutral use of masculine nouns. For example, while referring to yourself as an actress of a group of actors. “Actors” is used as generic masculine in this example and shall include non-male acting persons. 
If you are interested in the exact effects of the generic masculine, you can also read more in this study, which shows that there is a pro-male bias when using the generic masculine.

You want to take part in our Awareness Challenge? While writing  German emails use the generic feminine and add this text at the end: “Wenn Sie das generische Femininum stört, dann sollten Sie sich definitiv über die Verwendung des generischen Maskulinums Gedanken machen. Sprache beeinflusst!” (If the generic feminine bothers you, then you should definitely think about using the generic masculine. Language influences!)We are curious to see if we can achieve more awareness for gender-equal language through this! 

Information: Vaccination prio 3 for student assistants.

As you all saw from our last newsletter email, the vaccination prioritisation has been changed and there is now the option for employed students at FAU to be vaccinated by being prioritised to level 3 at the Vaccination Centre. 
In order for your prioritisation to be adjusted to level 3, you will need to change the following details in the Vaccination Portal:
  •   Working at a university
  •   Selection in the tab “I work in institutions for the maintenance of public life”. 
    • “constitutional bodies/government/administration/judiciary”
    • “in a leading or particularly relevant position”.
To prove your employment status at the university, it is best to take your employee ID (the blue FAUCard) with you as well as, for example, a salary slip.
Unfortunately, according to these rules, writing a Bachelor’s or Master’s thesis without being employed at the university does not qualify for this classification.

Remove Mail-Virus

Dear students,

unfortunately our newsletter has received an e-mail containing a ZIP archive with a computer virus. The virus does not originate from the student council.  We ask you to delete the file and the email immediately.

If you have downloaded the file by mistake, there are different possibilities:

  • You downloaded it with Android or iOS but did not open it with Microsoft Office: Your smartphone is not infected, but please delete the file.
  • You downloaded the file but did not unzip it: nothing happens. Please delete the file.
  • You downloaded the file, opened it, but did not enter the password: Nothing happens. Please delete the file.
  • You have downloaded, opened and unzipped the file, but you have not opened the Word file with Microsoft Office. Then your computer is probably not infected. Please delete the files immediately.
  • You have opened the Word file with Word: Please scan your computer for viruses, it could be that a virus (Ursnif) has installed itself.

We would recommend you to use a scan tool for computer viruses, e.g.

More detailed information about this topic will be published here.

Update 1: More detailed findings on the virus. Its Ursnif

Update 2:

Further links to the topics:

Kommende Sitzungstermine des Sprecher*innenrats im restlichen Sommersemester 2021

Wir möchten euch hiermit ganz herzlich zu den nächsten Sitzungen des Sprecher*innenrats einladen. Der Sprecher*innenrat (Sprat) trifft sich in den kommenden Wochen des restlichen Sommersemesters immer alle 2 Wochen Samstags ab 12:00 Uhr und Mittwochs ab 20:30 Uhr an folgenden Terminen:

  • Samstag, den 24.04.21
  • Mittwoch, den 28.04.21
  • Samstag, den 08.05.21
  • Mittwoch, den 12.05.21
  • Samstag, den 22.05.21
  • Mittwoch, den 26.05.21
  • Samstag, den 05.06.21
  • Mittwoch, den 09.06.21
  • Samstag, den 19.06.21
  • Mittwoch, den 23.06.21
  • Samstag, den 03.07.21
  • Mittwoch, den 07.07.21
  • Samstag, den 17.07.21
  • Mittwoch, den 21.07.21
  • Samstag, den 31.07.21

Falls ihr Interesse habt, bei einer Spratsitzung teilzunehmen, schreibt uns gerne eine Mail an und wir schicken euch den Link zu einer der Zoom Sitzungen.

Pressemitteilung zur Verlängerung der individuellen Regelstudienzeit und des BAföG

Gestern Abend wurde im Landtag endlich die Verlängerung der individuellen Regelstudienzeit beschlossen.
Diese ist hoffentlich bis spätestens Ende der Woche auf den Immatrikulationsbescheinigungen sichtbar.

Sollten Probleme Auftauchen, meldet euch gerne bei stuve-lust[at]

Die ganze Pressemitteilung findet ihr hier: