MINTchallenge International

This competition rewards university commitment to the integration of international STEM students into the German labor market and is part of the Alliance for STEM Professionals within the Future Mission Education.

The Stifterverband and the Fritz Henkel Foundation are looking for university projects and initiatives that open up paths for international STEM students into the German labor market or build bridges between students and employers. These could, for example, be measures that contribute to this:

– create concrete practical experience for international STEM students,
– better inform international STEM students about possible practical experience, reduce fear of contact, provide support during implementation and network,
– support international STEM graduates in their integration into the job market, for example by cooperating more closely with potential employers in the region and drawing attention to vacancies,
to improve the framework conditions for international STEM students, e.g. in the areas of language acquisition, social integration and support with immigration and VISA issues,
– offer financial support programs and scholarships or provide information about existing programs that promote a permanent stay for international STEM students and contribute to networking with practice partners and social integration through accompanying non-material support formats.

Up to five winning projects will be supported with prize money of 5,000 euros each. The funds will be used to further develop and implement the winning measures. The selection of the winners will be followed by a phase of (digital) collaboration to further develop the existing projects in a peer process and to learn from each other.

A video (maximum three minutes, smartphone is sufficient) and/or a presentation (maximum 8 slides) can be submitted as an application. A jury made up of representatives from scientific institutions, employers and students will decide on the award winners.

The closing date for applications is July 19, 2024. The full text of the call for entries and further information on the MINTchallenge International can be found here.

Demo against bavarian Bundeswehr-Act! 13.07., 14:00, Hugenottenplatz

The “Gesetz zur Förderung der Bundeswehr” (it translates like “Law on the Promotion of the Bundeswehr in Bavaria”) is due to be passed by the state parliament in July. With this law, the Ministry of Science can force universities to cooperate with the Bundeswehr “in the interests of national security” – a vague term!
The GEW trade union firmly rejects this attack on academic freedom. She has taken a clear stance against the law and has announced a lawsuit if it is passed.
Together with other political groups, we GEW students are organizing a protest next Saturday. Come along and fight with us for a peaceful FAU!
More info on Insta @gewstudisfau

Start of the university elections 2024

The university elections started today! To vote or not to vote, that is not a question. To vote, of course! It’s best to vote right now, online via the FAU election portal.

If you are unsure, take a look at the list presentation or ask the election compass which list best represents your personal opinion. And then please cast your votes without hesitation. You still have time until 19.06. at 9 a.m., but the sooner the better. The Stuve is counting on your votes!

Your vote counts!

Echt oder Fake

If you’ve always wanted to win huge amounts of pasta, rice, spices or tinned food (or if you just want to have a fun evening), then come to H11 in Cauerstr. 11 on the evening of 18.06. and try to expose your lecturers during their real or fake presentations. ‘Echt oder Fake’ is the perfect mix of science slam and lecture hall quiz that you really don’t want to miss!
The whole thing is organised by the FSV-Nat, but everybody is welcome. Admission is from 6pm, group size is approx. 3-6 people and snacks, popcorn and drinks will be provided. The first talk starts at 6.30 pm. We look forward to seeing you there!