Studienbeitragskommission der TechFak

16. 11.2006 18:00 Uhr
Studienbeitragskommission der Technischen Fakultät

Angetreten waren auf Professorenseite:
Herr Prof. Dr. C. Pflaum (als Vertretung für Herr Prof. Dr. Delgado), Herr Prof. Dr. A. Roosen, Herr Prof. Dr. R. Wanka sowie Herr Prof. Dr. A. Weckenmann.

Wir als Team Student schickten Thomas Janu (Informatik), Moritz Zimmermann (Etechnik), Stefan Schorsch (CBI), Lars Buethe (Mechatronik), und mich (Tino Hasenfuß – Maschinenbau) auf den Platz.

Schiedsrichter und Vorsitzender war Herr Prof. Dr. Schmauß, der als protokollierende Kraft Frau M. Baer mitbrachte. Um die Fussballmethapher zu erhalten kann ich Herrn Dr. Goettlicher und Frau PD Dr. N. Popovska, die als beratende Personen anwesend waren, wohl am besten als Linienrichter bezeichnen.

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STICKS & STONES 2022 at Verti Music Hall Berlin


Are you currently looking for a job? Then you shouldn’t miss STICKS & STONES on June 11, 2022, at Verti Music Hall Berlin! SXS is Europe’s largest job and career fair for the LGBTIQ+ community. But you are also welcome as a straight or cis ally.

So get your applications ready because more than 120 queer-friendly employers are waiting for you – from Berlin and all over Germany. And we’ll spice it all up with lots of jobs, empowering talks, career coaching, networking, and free application photos. And a small tattoo for free.

Check out the links. ⬇️

Are you with us? Then check out the following links:

Launch of the 29€ ticket on 01.10.2023

After years of having (among) the most expensive semester ticket in Germany, we successfully fought for the 29€ ticket through our efforts. Thanks to all helping hands!

If you last bought the Deutschlandticket directly, you have to cancel it (always by the 10th of the previous month), there is no automatic changeover.

The most important facts in a nutshell:

  • 29€ / month
  • pay monthly and can be cancelled monthly
  • cannot be booked for the current month after the 25th.
  • is not available immediately after the purchase due to longer processing time
  • travel on local public transport throughout Germany
  • 600 free minutes of VAG-Rad per month
  • Is only valid in combination with an identification document


  • No more basic card
  • No more bicycle transport included

Our further demands:

  • Price stability of the 29€ ticket for at least two years
  • 29€ ticket also as a chip card by the summer semester at the latest
  • a good offer for a basic ticket from the summer semester onwards
  • Resumption of bicycle transport
  • The introduction of a constituted student body so that we can also conclude contracts ourselves in Bavaria

You can find further questions and a classification of the development in the FAQ of the AK Semesterticket.

You can also find current information directly at the VGN.

You can also find concise information in the new FAU News.

A.S.I. Time Management Seminar

Master your time management!

Do you sometimes find yourself faced with a mountain of tasks and feel overwhelmed? That doesn’t have to be the case!
The free seminar offered by btS Erlangen in cooperation with A.S.I. Wirtschaftsberatung offers help.

The topics:
– Time management – why?
– What time type am I?
– Finding and realizing priorities
– Time rhythm in the course of the day
– Recognizing and changing habits
– Defining time thieves
– Methods for organizing work
– First aid for stressed people

Whether you are a student, doctoral candidate or just starting out in your career – this seminar is suitable for everyone.

When: January 23, 2024, 18:30 – 20:30
Where: Lecture hall H7, Erwin-Rommel-Str. 60, 91058 Erlangen
Language: German

Register now here and start using your time more efficiently!
Don’t miss the opportunity to take your time management skills to the next level.
We at btS Erlangen are looking forward to meeting you!

Zoom chat: Studying with a disability

Studying can present a wide range of challenges for people with physical and mental and/or chronical disabilities. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Zoom chat on 02 December at 4 p.m. will provide a digital space for networking and exchanging tips and tricks about studying with disabilities. The chat takes place regularly on every 2nd Friday. The link to the Zoom chat is available on the website of the Office for Gender and Diversity (