Constituent meeting of the Student Council 22/23

It’s that time again, the constituent meeting of the Student Council 22/23 will take place this Friday at 14:00 in the senate hall in the Kollegienhaus (KH 1.011, Universitätsstraße 15).
After we have, as usual, elected a chair, a vice-chair, the two student senators and decided on the rules of procedure (Geschäftsordnung), there are still a few more committees to fill, for which you don’t have to be an elected member of the council.
  • Speaker’s Council (4x)
  • Commission for Research and Young Academics (1x voting and 1x deputy)
  • Commission for Teaching and Studies (2x)
  • Examination Commission (2x)
  • Commission for Internationalisation (1x voting and 1x deputy)
  • Committee for Ethics in Security-Relevant Research (1x voting and 1x deputy)
  • Representatives in the DAAD (1x voting and 1x deputy)
  • Representative Assembly of the Student Union (2x voting and 2x deputy)
  • Central Committee for the Use of Study Grants (7 with voting rights and 7 deputies)
  • Library Commission (1x voting and 1x deputy)
  • Equal Opportunities Commission (1x voting and 1x deputy)
  • Board of the Centre for Teacher Education [ZFL] (2x voting, 2x deputy, 1x advisory)
  • Representatives in the ZiWiS General Assembly (2x)
  • Delegates for the LAK (any)
  • Product Committee (any) 
If you are interested in one of the committees you are welcome to come to the meeting this Friday to apply as soon as the public part starts.
You can also send an application to the mailing list of the Student Council ( to introduce yourself. You can also use this option if you cannot be present on Friday, but it would be preferable to be present in order to answer questions from members.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Speakers Council (!

Studenten bilden Schüler: Organisers wanted!

You can make a valuable contribution to more educational justice in our society! Our non-profit organisation matches students as volunteer tutors with schoolchildren from low-income families for whom paid tutoring is not an option.

Of course, the whole thing doesn’t work without a bit of organisation behind it. We are looking for reinforcement for our three teams:

  • Communication: social media presence, creating advertising material, public relations, fundraising, fun.
  • Pupils: Contact with social institutions, organisation of pupils, fun.
  • Students: Contact with students, arranging tutoring couples, organising get-togethers, fun

Have we caught your interest? Then just write us an e-mail ( or come to one of our meetings (every second Wednesday at 8 pm in Turnstraße 7, room 01.015).

Our next meeting is on 20.07.2022!

(Of course, we are always looking for committed tutors).


Your Erlangen SbS team

Instagram/Facebook: @sbs.erlangen

Further information about the association at:

Invitation to the Constituating Meeting of the Student Council on 22.07.2022

Dear all,

We would like to invite you to the 10th meeting of the Student Council on 22.07.2022, at 2 pm.

The meeting will be held in the Senate Room of the Kollegienhaus and will initially be chaired by President Hornegger. Until the Student Counsil Chair is elected, the meeting will unfortunately have to be held without the public. Afterwards, however, there will be a number of elections for various committees, some of which you will be able to get elected for. We are looking forward to your participation in the Stuve!

Kind regards
Your Student Counsil Chairs

News from the Stuve

The election results are in and we are happy to welcome the new members to the Stuve! This week, the various constituent meetings of the faculty student councils will be held for this purpose, in which it will be determined which three members of each faculty may also join the Student Counsil. Afterwards, the Constituent Student Counsil Meeting will take place on July 22nd at 5 pm in the Senate Hall of the Kollegienhaus. Of course, you are welcome to attend, especially as there are many different positions to be filled which non student council members may also hold. Until the new Student Council chairs are elected, however, the meeting must unfortunately take place without the public, so you are welcome to join us a little later and, for example, take a nice walk in the Schlossgarten since the weather is supposed to be particularly warm on the Friday in question.

Other than that, Stuve events are also gradually slowing down for us as the semester moves – as it always does far too quickly – towards exams. It was an honour for us to be able to continuously bring you back to the university for the first time this semester with big and small events. We hope you were able to make good use of these opportunities and again enjoy the presence with your fellow students and make new contacts.

Zoom chat: studying with disability

Studying can present a wide range of challenges for people with physical and mental disabilities. In a relaxed atmosphere, the Zoom chat on 15 July at 4 p.m. will provide a digital space for networking and exchanging tips and tricks about studying with disabilities. The chat takes place regularly on every 2nd Friday. The link to the Zoom chat is available on the website of the Office for Gender and Diversity .